No excuses

This week has been crazy. I am a day late in writing my backblast. Monday I found out one of my work friends died over the weekend. My volunteer work has picked up. Deadlines in my day job. And yet Crimson brought up the fact that Tortoises didn’t have a Q and I felt compelled to put my name on this Q sheet. I did not really plan the workout. I did not have the time to do it. [Read More]

For our furry friends

It was good to be back at Lion’s Den and see all the guys I see at other times during the week, just at a different location. Seriously, this AO means a lot to me and I’m glad to see it is thriving under @Ramsey and @Slim Shady’s leadership. For this workout I wanted to recognize those furry friends in our lives that give us comfort, entertainment and unconditional love. Make sure to give your pet a hug today, unless it is gross, like a fish or reptile. [Read More]

Vanilla with sprinkles

DP is a great site and today it was especially nice since the gates were opened before 5:30 am so everyone could park in the lot. Everyone except YHC, as I arrived early to see if the fields were open. In retrospect, I’m glad that I arrived early as it gave me a chance to do some EC with @TermPaper, and after the workout I walked back with @TrackStar. My plan for the workout today was to stay around the parking lot and do lots of running. [Read More]


YHC picked up the Q slot for Bounty Hunters and did not have much of a plan so let’s just roll with the basics. A solid group of 9, no wait 10 PAX were off at 5:30 sharp towards Thales. Side note: Frisco first posted at BH in May 2018. YHC had a HC that Frisco was going to attend this morning so a repeat of his first day at Carpex was planned over at Thales. [Read More]

Why run when you can bear crawl....

When @Sooey proposed the idea of YHC taking on the open Q spot at Tortioses, the initial thought was “what about this nagging, lingering knee injury”. The closer it got to Wednesday, YHC jumped in “just because”. The spousal unit, aka the M, said “You complain constantly about your knee at home and you are going to Q? What are you thinking? Why are you doing this?” YHC had no viable response other than “just because @Sooey asked me to”… It was going to be a knee friendly workout to not cause further damage. [Read More]


In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that I had totally forgotten that I signed up to Q A-Team. Originally I had this planned for my rest day of the 1-Year Anniversary Q Week, but guess I signed up at some point so who needs rest days anyway. So in coming up for a workout I thought of some of the good ones I’ve been to at A-Team over the last year and realized they were a lot of different spots so why not try to tour the whole area. [Read More]

The S.S. Schlitz's One hour tour...

As YHC’s quest to complete more of the 2020 Carpex challenge continues, it was time to take a turn at the Phoenix Q. Bond Park is such a large AO, with so many options, I wanted to take the Pax on a tour of some of the typical stops along a Phoenix/SNS beatdown. YHC and the Triplest of Lindy’s for a nice, balmy 3 mile EC run. Here’s what went down: [Read More]

Climb to 40" - VQ for Mama's Boy

Pre-pledge: Nature called for Snots. Fortunately, he brought a roll of TP. Mama’s Boy shared a silly song on being stranded without TP, and also the proper technique for disposing of waste if one finds himself high up on mountain rock with nowhere to dig: either pack it out or smear thinly. Leave no PAX behind - same with turds in the alpine. Pledge, then mosey to lot 1 for the first thang: - good mornings, arm circles, windmills, plank, merkins [Read More]

Merkins and Burpees

Signing up to Q is a good way to ensure that you’ll show up to the workout. YHC took the DAC Q spot this week to help prevent the Friday fart sack. Here is what we did: 5:30 time for the pledge and we were off! Warm up: Jog around the front parking lot and circle up. Had to switch it up from Monday! SSH Good morning Windmills Imperial walkers Merkins Mountain Climbers Thing 1: [Read More]


Last year I was out of town on my birthday, so this year I planned early and signed up for the Q slot for A-Team months ago. Little did I know how different the world would be over the past few months. I am thankful we are able to get out each morning, support each other, and move our bodies! Here is what went down today: Arrived a bit early, Crimson was complaining that I had him leave a few minutes earlier than normal but it was great to meet the PAX as the arrived. [Read More]