The Lewis and Clark Adventure

Three men met in the gloom this morning at Frontier Park in St. Charles, MO. Since F3 is starting in the St. Louis area in October YHC thought it would be good to introduce some new PAX to F3. Warm up SSH x 20 Good Morning x 10 Imperial Walkers x 15 Mountain Climbers x 10 Merkins x 10 Thang 1 Catch me if you can with 5 Merkins on our way to the big parking lot at the boat house. [Read More]


Yes, there were concerns, its September 18 and the Wolverine marketing machine had been working overtime for a few weeks. Creeping thoughts as I drove to Koka-Booth, am I going to be leading myself around the lake? But alas, nine Supermen and YHC were ready to go at 5:30. Only confirms, there is more then enough fun to go around Carpex for three workouts, even on a Monday! The Warmup [Read More]

It's a numbers game......

Numbers here, numbers there. We are inundated by numbers. How fast were you driving, what was your GPA, how much did your house cost, what is your income, how much did you pay in taxes, how many times have you posted, how long have you been doing F3. Numbers are everywhere and some are good and some are not so good. Today was a celebration of numbers for Crimson. The first number of celebration was 19. [Read More]

Dazed and Confused

When: Sept 11, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Freebird, Crimson, Sooey, Saban, Shut-In, Middler, Ascott, Hotspot, WKRP, Aristocrat, Texas Ranger, Smokey, Disco Duck, Pickles, Wilbur YHC Earhart Welcome to Kryptonite, my first time here to post and Q, hence I mostly was wandering around, dazed and confused. 15 PAX show-up (eventually), many of whom this was their virgin post, for a “regular” tempo beatdown care of YHC. No FNGs, we head out for a warm-up run around the parking lot, picking up several PAX along the way and then circle up for: [Read More]

Still shakin' (or bakin?) three hundred and sixty five days later!

A few weeks ago, YHC was ego-surfing the now nearly impossible to find backblasts when I came across this beauty from Burt. I quickly jumped on the Q-sheet and found to my giddy surprise that the 9/9 slot at Phoenix was still open. With a mix of trepidation (‘how am I going to fill up 60 minutes?’) and pride (‘definitely did not imagine I would still be getting up at 5 o’clock a year later’) I signed up to Q. [Read More]

WWW and the Deck of Death!

Stepping up in the gloom this morning is WWW for his first Q! 12 PAX show-up to support our man including YHC for co-Q if needed. No FNGs (at this time), we head out for our limited run around the parking lot and down the hill and circle-up under the light for the: Warm Up Sir Fazio Arm Circles Arm stretches Good mornings The Thang Finish warmup, Q instructs PAX to go behind the shed and get a CCB and circle back up under the light. [Read More]

Kings of the Hill

8/28/17: 64 degrees, limited humidity, 29 men for a little hill work this AM. Flag planted at the gate. One FNG. Forgot my cape and boxing gloves. We are off to the ball field parking lot for a warm up. Warm Up GMs x 10 (you’re welcome Nature Boy) SSHs x 52 Jog over to the top of the grass hill under the power lines 5 Burpees, OYO Mosey to the bottom of the hill Thang 1 [Read More]

The Death Parking Lots

9/5/2017 This was a co-Q with Free bird and Nature Boy today at FOD. Driving into the Q it was apparent we were really close to a full moon, so hopes were high. Upon further review, it was only 99% full on a waxing gibbous. (Full moon on September 6th) I don’t pretend to know anything about the phases of the moon but I knew if that was my intro, some useful facts may be beneficial. [Read More]

Play Like A Champion Today

When: 8/29/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries. Hell to grow old. YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day. [Read More]

Pet Rock

Pre-BB One of my spiritual fathers often reminds me: “When life feels heavy, you’re probably carrying something that God doesn’t want you to carry. When you don’t have grace for what you’re carrying, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.” I have walked through seasons of heaviness many, many times. Maybe you have too? When I’ve prayed into the source of the heaviness, I’ve discovered: unforgiveness toward others, a lack of trust in God, misalignment between my call and my vocation, and more. [Read More]