96 Miles to Bethlehem

Fifteen HIM gathered today for a warm winter morning beat down at Phoenix. Some of you may have heard or participated in the Walk to Bethlehem challenge put out by Ma Bell and Term Paper to accumulate 96 miles (the estimated distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem) in any activity over the 21 days of Advent. As a tribute to the 96 miles that Joseph and Mary traversed, today we focused on the number 96 and the Christmas story. [Read More]

Nolan and Tammy Sitting in a Tree...

Pre-BB #FODForLife…amirite, Franklin? BB 15 major leaguers hit home runs at FOD on a balmy December morning just six days from Christmas. Welcome FNG, Sir Walter. The Warmup - Disclaimer, welcome FNG - Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag (which is located where it always is) - Mixed run to the top of the park - BR, Karaoke, Regular - SSH, Good Morning, Zebra Butt Kickers+Annies+Wide Grip Merkins, HillBillies - Alternate Bear Crawl and Lunge Walk between light poles to the lower turf field - Partner up - size does not matter. [Read More]

Christmas Train!

When the request hit groupme for a Q for Dante’s Peak YHC jumped at the opportunity to lead Carpex’s finest HIMs not realizing that it was the morning after the big Christmas bash. Never fear, I knew I’d have a strong group of HIMs and I wasn’t disappointed this morning. I was a bit worried at 5:37 when we only had YHC, Crimson (because you know he rode with me), and Disco Duck in the parking lot but we had a strong crowd roll in from there. [Read More]

Next Verse, Same as the First

When: Dec 13th, 2017 QIC: EarharT The PAX: GTL, Yogi, Sooey, WWW, Red Ryder, YHC: EarharT A crisp morning greeted 5 PAX for an old fashioned beatdown, (did the cold weather scare some of the regulars??). GTL came in hot, just in time, for us to take off and mosey around the parking lot and down to a different area to shake off some of the cold and for: [Read More]

Trivia Tuesday

YHC made the journey to Thomas Brooks Park last week, the motivation being to make sure I remembered how to get there. Huzzah, as it turns out the pathway has been etched into my memory. Having signed up for the Q the following week (which would be this week, and more precisely, today), YHC wanted to make sure everything was still the same since the last time this particular journey had occurred. [Read More]

12 Days of Burpees

Warm-Up (read more about the real warm-up at the bottom) Hello Kitty leads the men down to the lower parking lot for Side Santa Hops, Cranberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Quick Feet and Curb Erkins. The Thang YHC takes over and leads the men through the Disco Kitty version of 12 Days of Christmas. Here’s the last verse. On the 12th day of Christmas my Q love gave to me [Read More]

Tiny Black pellets forever

Atmosphere: Damp and 40 degrees I noticed the gate open on the lacrosse field, so I immediately thought about revising my initial baseball field sprints, which could be sloppy (I know how you kids like it EXTRA schloppy). Long story short, the field turf is like a sponge and we enjoyed sitting in the soak to have some Mary. Although, we did get on the field, Smokey thought mid way through the post we might have a city worker shake us down. [Read More]

Perfect Form Burpee-cides

Apparently, all it takes to log some big numbers at an AO is to throw a gauntlet down on GroupMe…or the Twitters. But since I don’t tweet, or twit, someone must have helped spread the word. As I mentioned yesterday, one digital F3 communication format already overwhelms me. So, thanks ABB Kitty, Hi-Liter, Callahan, WKRP, and CI/6-pack/BurtLite/ChatEnforcer/Burt. That gentle buzz in my pocket that lets me know every three minutes that my job sucks relative to y’alls’ has become a welcome part of my day. [Read More]

I wanna rock...

Nov. 17, 2017 – Dante’s Peak Q 11/16/17-Preblast “We’re gonna rock this town. Bring yer kitten mittens.” (inserted gif of a Stray Cats album cover of some sort) No response from the pax. A few mediocre likes, one retweet. Meh. 11/16/17 2:15pm: Hotspot with a HC for a run in and out of DP. 11/16/17 2:32pm: Michelob with a SC…yeah, right Michelob. 11/16/17 2:34pm: PetSounds with an “outta town” spin class excuse. [Read More]

Try Not to Poop Yourself

As #RespectWeek winds down, there was one last Friday flurry of RESPECT Qs before the finale tomorrow at Phoenix. YHC had actually signed up for this Q before the concept began, so it was fate. And I knew I had to bring it, when I saw 22 pairs of eager eyes staring at me from the gloom - well, 21, ‘cause Freebird came in on 2 wheels as we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]