Pile of Sweat

Little soupy out there this morning, little soupy. Four Bruisers joined the Bounty Hunters for the Pledge, then headed to the corner of the skate park with our kettle bell coupons. Warm-Up Circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, squats, merkins and mountain climbers. The Thang Start at the light pole on the corner, each PAX takes a turn calling the exercise of his choice, then continue around the skate park stopping at each light pole for more exercises. [Read More]

Get Off My Lawn

Because it’s was my birthday Q and I’m old and that’s what PBX tells me I sound like. Anyways, arrived early to scout out the AO to find about 15 HIM already working the ECP. By 5:30 21 PAX were ready to go and Crimson had already started complaining. He knew what was to come. Warm Up • Good Mornings x 10 • SSH x 53 Thang 1 Split into 5 groups. [Read More]

11 x 2 = 22

Second Q ever for YHC was to the point with some room for improvement. Cadence counts are getting better and everyone had fun… I think. It was quiet, not much in the way of mumble chatter for this beatdown. Thanks to the 18 that showed for the track work and 22’s. It was a beatdown and according to GTL possibly a new record for distance with the 3.5 miles we racked up. [Read More]

Goonies Never Say Die!!!!

24 PAX gathered at their friennd Mikey’s house on Monday morning for the usual hang out, but that’s when everything changed. We got the news that evil fat cat developers were buying land and planning on tearing down our houses to build a golf course…bummer. This group of misfits started the day with the pledge and a quick jaunt around the pickle. Circled up on the basketball courts. The Walsh family is always so accommodating and polite, so of course we start with Good Mornings. [Read More]

Same Same, But Different

A lovely morning for a workout! We have been truly blessed the last three days with some fabulous weather!!! Roughly 60 degrees this morning, with pretty high humidity. The preblast indicated this would not be a Blue Ridge Relay training workout and while there WOULD be running, it would not be a run-centric workout. Turns out, we still managed a little over three miles…… Bayonne, Biner, PBX, and I met for some EC hill repeats at 5:45 and ran a little over 30 minutes on the High House hill, joined about 3/4 into the run by Snots and Chipper. [Read More]

Advertising works!

YHC has been out of Carpex for the past few days exploring F3 out west in St. Louis and was really looking forward to being back home. Since there isn’t much to do outside of work when traveling YHC was advertising the upcoming beat down all week on slack. And let’s just say that the adverting brought out the numbers - 32 PAX joined my in south Carpex on this fine Friday morning. [Read More]

Two PAX Headed West

YHC has been in St. Louis all week for work and decided to check out the growing F3 St. Louis group while in town. Monday I met 4 other PAX in the gloom and was quickly connected to the group on social media. I quickly noticed that there was an open Q spot on Wednesday morning at the Valley of Darkness so YHC jumped at the opportunity to help our new brothers. [Read More]

And Now for Something....

When: August 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Biner, PBX, Liverpool, Goose, Hotty Toddy, Geek Squad, Slice, Franklin, Sooey, Crimson, Red Ryder, Ma Bell, Solder, Disco Duck, The Joker, Nature Boy, Camel, Badlands, Doogie, Swag, YHC: Earhart After a quick warm up run with some of the regulars, YHC was ready to lead a group of HIM for a rare appearance at Flying Circus. Start with Pledge of Allegiance, then a quick jaunt around the parking lot, mixing in karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, and other random running stuff until we circle back at the beginning for: [Read More]

Anyone feel like doing yoga?

Warm-up Sadly Aretha Franklin died yesterday. We did not do a themed workout but to honor the Queen of Soul we did do a themed warm-up from her song “Think” with mixed results and lots of feedback from the PAX: Two laps around the pickle T - Travolta’s - Basically a plank with a Saturday Night Fever dance move with your arm. H - Hillbillie’s I - Iron Mike’s - This was a fail N - Nadal’s - Sprints on the court K - Kraken Merkin’s - Burpee with 3 merkins at the bottom. [Read More]

Limited Run Does Not Mean Limited Merkins

Fresh off my first merlot induction at BO, YHC accepted the challenge to deliver a tough workout at the great AO, Tortoises. With little buzz and marketing, 20 other HIM wanted to see as well. Or maybe it was the EC Pull-Ups. Yeah, probably the ECPs. Also, there were another 5 who joined in for the traveling IR Bruisers AO for a total of 26. Add in the 3 young men shooting ball, and the place was poppin’! [Read More]