Virgin No More

Woke up early for my VQ at 4. Anxious to get started I guess. Decided it was too early to get up, and slept until my alarm went off. What’s that I hear? Rain? Great, need to modify already. I planned on doing step ups on the bleachers but did not want to risk the safety of the PAX so had to come up with an alternate. More on that later. [Read More]

Pure Vanilla

I didn’t start out wanting to create a vanilla-flavored workout, but now that I look back over what we did, it reeks of the genus vanilla orchid. A bunch of EC HIM did running, pull-ups and other stuff. 0544 Give the Disclaimer to FNG. 0545 Here we go Mosey to the end of the parking lot where Dante Peakers like to warm up and get a little hissy if you don’t. [Read More]

Rocking the Cinder Blocks....

It was cold….. We had blocks….. We had 80’s Rock…..(See NMS for playlist) Let’s do this….. With a starting temperature of 22 degrees, there was no time to hang around. Today’s workout was meant to move quickly and keep moving. 18 PAX, No FNGs **Warm Up **After a quick Pledge of Allegiance, it as time to get the blood flowing and temperature up. Two loops around the parking lot then a circle up [Read More]

It works 60% of the time. Every time.

26 PAX gathered at the flag, with rumors of a mysterious FNG who was nowhere to be seen. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the heart of Apex Community Park, the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Along the way add in some butt kickers and karaoke. Circle up for a standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Steve Earles, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

MJ Stands with The Commish

Pre-Blast 31 HIM (not including MJ) at Phoenix for The Commish’s co-VQ with YHC. This also marked a 6-Pack for Mr. Silver! Such a strong start…it’s no wonder MJ Stood with The Commish. The Warmup (Hi-Liter) Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed Run to the Community Center into extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for 25 each: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Hillbillies, Plankjacks, Imperial Walkers, St. Merkins, SSH. The Thang 1 (Hi-Liter) [Read More]

The Burger King Effect

We’re all familiar with Burger King’s long time moto “Have it your way”. I don’t know that I have ever personally exercised my right to have it my way with their burgers but the options is there I suppose. It’s empowering to have options. There is ownership in the plan when those involved are given the option to choose what kind of experience they ultimately want. This fundamental idea was visited in this workout. [Read More]

Fini-Q - Double Duty 11’s was the flavor of the day.

Date: January 23, 2019 QIC: WWW AO: Tortoises PAX: Ashbury, Baiter, Biner, Blue Water, Clementine, Cool Beans, Crimson, Doogie, Ezekiel, FNG Fiddler (on the roof), Hotty Toddy, Imp, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Moore, Nerf, Red Ryder, Rooney, Sooey, Sub, Spartan, Theismann, Trike, WWW, Yogi Tortoise’s anniversary is coming up on Feb 2, 2019. Crimson approached me last week to discuss the plan via Slack. He actually twisted my arm saying since the anniversary is coming up, we should Q the rest of the Wednesdays until we have the changing of the guard. [Read More]

Windchill Warrioring

Advice about being out in the cold from the Boy Scouts: layer up. Advice about being out in the cold from “To Build a Fire”: keep moving (and learn to build a fire) Advice about being out in the cold from Costco: Little Hotties are $30 for a box of 40. Advice about being out in the cold from my wife last night: “You’re an idiot” The PAX at A-Team this morning I think agreed with all of the above. [Read More]

Leading From The 6

So I’ll write my normal Frisco style HIDA BB below but after seeing Half do something at the office today I decided to put some HIM stuff first. As Half was walking down the hall he noticed a hair on the ground behind him and quickly ran back to check to see if it was one of his (it wasn’t). Still he picked it up and dropped it in a small golden case he carries. [Read More]


We began the workout bright and early with a strong showing of 25 HIM’s. The weather was cold and damp but none of us regretted leaving the cozy fartsack for a morning of hard work and fellowship. Warm-Up Sooey started us off with a light jog to the parking lot. SSH: 15, Good mornings: 10, Merkins:25, PlankJacks:15, Mtn Climbers:15, The Thang 1 Another short mozy down “Powerline hill”. 7’s Burpies at the top and Merkins at the bottom. [Read More]