Lulu's VQ & 8 months of gloom

Looking back on 8 months of the gloom, since my first post at SNS, I can’t imagine life BF3 (before F3). I remember feeling the hook and leaving Bond Park that morning wanting more. Needless to say, F3 and the PAX have since become more than an early morning workout for me. F3 is brotherhood, accountability, mental and physical exercise, discipline, growth and now (thanks to Shut-In’s not so optional invitation to Q) practice in leadership. [Read More]

Little Frisbee Toss Anyone?

Insomnia included YHC, Wonder Bread, Large Mouth, and Shut In for a nice 4 mile loop. Next Up SNS - Warm up jog where I learned we had an FNG. Whoops. Flip Flop wanted to stop things right there but we went on. Warmup Side Straddle Hop 20 IC **Late disclaimer by Flip Flop - nice work Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC Plank Jacks 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang [Read More]

Baseball Bear Crawling

22 Stallions showed up for some fine work this morning. We tried to run to the fancy ball fields, they were locked. We circled up did some warmup, ran to the upper parking lot, did some bear crawl and crawl bear inchworming, then we split up in 4 teams and did some merkins, squats, burpees and sumo-squats at the corners (bases), running, bw running, crawl bearing and bear crawling between bases. [Read More]

Good Enough

YHC garnered an early spot on the BH Q sign up just hours after the Red Carpet event and still had to wait till today. Despite homestead proximity, YHC was nevertheless reduced to recon mode looking for those undiscovered nuggets of pain. As the Q, YHC is not a fan of the typical and ordinary but rather that ever exclusive diamond in the rough [though some may see it more as a hidden but disturbed rattler that, well, should be left undisturbed]. [Read More]

Sometimes you have to get a little dirty...

…at Dante’s Peak. After stepping outside about 5:15 a.m. this morning, YHC realized that he lucked out with good temps and dry conditions for his VQ day. However, it turned out that it wouldn’t stop the PAX from needing that towel in the trunk for their drive home. 23 PAX were ready to roll this morning - no FNGs and everyone on time, so we were off. Warm-up Quick jog to the basketball courts, by way of the hill. [Read More]

Burpee Beat Down at Tortoises

Disco Duck said it best, “It wouldn’t be tortoises if we weren’t doing burpees.” Five came out for a burpee beat down at Tortoises. Warmed up with side straddle hop, good mornings, windmills, merkins, mountain climbers, plank jacks. Jogged over to “the hill” where we started the burpee 11’s. Sumo squats on one end, burpees on the other. Then, some WWII’s and flutters. Next, we grabbed the cores for sets of curls, overhead press, rock rows, and merkins intermixed with lunges while we traversed the length of the parking lot. [Read More]

The Best Cure for Three Days Travelling...

…is absolutely not 100 lbs. of blueberries. It’s that little smile that creeps unbidden to your face when you realize that you have the Q the following morning and can unleash the pent up fury and frustration of three days of - driving, lines, bad eating, a flat pillow, and a 2-year-old that more closely resembles the Banshee from Darby O’Gill and the Little People than the adorable baby you once knew - on an unsuspecting PAX. [Read More]

Partner Double Beast

It was a great morning all around for the PAX of Dante’s Peak. Weather was money. Numbers weren’t very #problematic (19 > 15), spirits were high, Open Out came in hot. No not because he’s wearing a sweatshirt in May but because he was running late. I tried my best to give this Q away to a VQ but with only a few nibbles and no bites I was excited to take the reigns. [Read More]

I've Got Those Beer Mile Blues

22 PAX (23 if you count someone who joins up at 6:27) including 2 FNGs gathered this morning at scenic Apex Nature Park. No shovel flag, no site Qs, but those in attendance came in anticipation of seeing a little merlot spillage from YHC. Not to be. Disclaimer given and were off. Extended Warm Up (as promised) Merkins x 10 SSH x 15 Merkins x 9 LBC x 15 Merkins x 8 GM x 10 Merkins x 7 Freddie merc x 15 Merkins x6 IC IW x 15 Merkins x 5 IC Sir Fazio x 10 Merkins x 5 IC (Whoops) Mountain Climbers x 15 Merkins x 3 IC Plankjacks x 10 Merkins x 2 IC Merkins x 1 IC [Read More]