Back to the Future

23 HIMs braved the sticky gloom to re-discover what makes Dante’s Peak the PREMIER site on Fridays in Apex. No new stuff, all vanilla. Just pretend those turf fields aren’t even there. 21 HIMs pledged allegiance and off we go. Warm Up 5 Burpees OYO SSHs Trike shows up at 5:46, so 5 burpees OYO Cotton pickers Beetle rolls in at 5:47, so 5 burpees OYO Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Hill Billies Mosey to the top of the hill, wake up Monkey Nut’s neighbors with 5 squats. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Dumpster Diving - F3 style

15 PAX with no FNGs. Disclaimer given regardless, although the pre-workout mumble chatter was in full force Mozy to the middle school and circle up after I recover music set up from strategic location SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Fazios, overhead claps, reverse Fazios x 12 Yogurkins x10 with a low plank hold on the last one (exercise performed with a 10 count) Thang 1 Dumpster Dive 20 each Diamond-merkins, Imperial-walkers, V-ups, Elbows-to-knees [Read More]

Leave your Bricks behind

Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 20x IC SSH 20x IC Imperial Walkers 20x Plank Jacks 20x OMD Merkins 15x IC Peter Parkers 15x OMD merkins Mozy out (backward Run, Kariokie etc) Stop along the way for Irkins on the fence BTTW walk across the bridge (crowd favorite) The Thang Uno: Pair up (p1 w rock / p2 around pond to pullup bars 5x) Flip AMRAP Rock curls/Rows/Press/Extension/Man Makers 5 trips to pullup bars Head out - Mozy to parking lot Crawl Bear the bridge for good measure The Thang Duo: Grab brick - Circle Up Plank with one hand on upright brick 10x OMD Merkins (brick in other hand) + 10x OMD Merkins 15x brick reverse fly (left arm up/right arm up) 15x brick front raise (left arm up/right arm up) LBC w brick WWII w brick Announcements [Read More]

Cinder Block Mayhem

Cinder blocks … $1.68 at Lowes … priceless F3 beatdown material. YHC is always excited to Q at Tortoises to work on shoulders and arms and overall use-able strength. Yes, this is a limited run workout, but it is still a beatdown. Warm-up: SSH IC, good mornings, arm circles forward and backward. Everyone grabbed a cinder block and fast walked from the lower parking lot to the upper parking lot. [Read More]

#mccantsweek DAY 2 - MURPH

One day of legally-styled backblasts is enough. If any member of the PAX enjoys that eloquent writing, I have a 45 page brief on why a RICO class action complaint needs to be dismissed that YHC would gladly pass along. For those of you who are normal, back to YHC’s normal BB style, which means one that can fit into a tweet: 16 PAX appeared at FMJ, including Peeping Tom from South Wake and his FNG cousin, n/k/a Speed Racer. [Read More]

Midsummer's AMRAP + 1

After what looked to be a great evening of 2nd F on a Midsummer’s eve many of the PAX were operating on High Octane fuel. A fuel they would call upon about halfway through the morning as there were digging deep on an AMRAP + 1. 0520 ECP - YHC, WWW, GTL, Red Rider, Frisco continued our quest to get bigger, stronger and faster at the pull-up one repetition at a time. [Read More]

Bugs and BETA

The Maynard: Ollie, Hermes, Joe Smith, Banjo, Wonderbread, Sky Blue, Denali, Large Mouth, Chanticleer Insomnia: Shut-In, Bogo, Term Paper, Callahan, Old Maid, Water Wings, Flacco, Hello Kitty Rolling Stone: Repeato, Bartman Vesper: Butterscotch, Old Maid, Hello Kitty, Flip Flop, WKRP, Pet Sounds, Badlands Shakin Not Stirred: Shut-In, Khakis, Kilmer, Chop Block, Flacco, Cheddar Bo, Nature Boy, Snots, Turncoat (Churham), Parker, Term Paper, Open Out, Sabre, House, Chinese Downhill, Coney, Water Wings, Grease Monkey, Burt [Read More]


Full Metal Jacket, already an AO with a military theme, YHC was feeling especially patriotic after having watched the movie “Unbroken” last week on 4th of July. Warm-up: YHC announced the theme to a healthy sized group of 14 PAX (or was it 15?) and off we went. Warm-up took us on a run for a loop around the ponds, ending up back at the playground set where we did a few good mornings and plank-jacks. [Read More]

Welcome Back

YHC had planned out a nice little kettle bell workout for the Hell’s Bell PAX, but that plan was contingent on having enough kettle bells to go around. Looking around at 0529 it was clear we had just the right number of PAX, but less than the right number of kettle bells, so the original plan was scrapped and a new plan was hatched on the fly. Let’s get after it! [Read More]