
30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]

Sometimes Vanilla is the Right Flavor

Ever since I attended my first themed workout, I knew that is the way I wanted to go when I started Q’ing. I believe it was a Hello Kitty Q themed on the college football playoffs, nothing fancy, but it was never the less, inspirational. However, a time comes in every man’s life where he has to embrace change and also that time was Sunday night where he hasn’t come up with a theme and needs to go to bed, hence my first vanilla Q. [Read More]

I Did It All for the Koozie

They say good things come to those who wait. Who are they? The PAX? The Q? 24 gathered to find out for a VQ that was a long time coming. YHC awoke at 0420 for a 0530 VQ approx 4 minutes away. Alrighty then. Arrived early to off load the pain sticks and found FNG Daniel alone in the parking lot with his car and an empty black BMW. PAX piled in the small lot, disclaimer was given, and off we went. [Read More]

Good Form

15 pax joined me this fine morning for a lesson in good form. YHC had advertised a mentoring or on the job training for our VQs to prepare for their big week next week. At 5:45:00 we were off. Run to end of parking lot and circle up. Ask pax what we forgot and they correctly identied missing disclaimer and FNG check. YHC was feeling we were off to a good start! [Read More]

The Tempest. Or a Martini.

Pre-Blast 23 HIM joined YHC for 2.9 miles of a shaken, not stirred, tempest (or martini) at shaken not stirred. Frisco was not there. Theisman was not there. Neither was Joe Smith. But Term Pappy was. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the big flag (no shovel flag???!??!??) Play Bob Seger. Run to the Community Center. Paint the Lines. 50 SSH 50 slow count Merkins 10 GM OYO Grab an ego rock. [Read More]

Tractor Pull

In the several years that I have been doing this thing we affectionately call a cult F3, one of its best features is how it thrusts you into such close proximity to some pretty remarkable men. Showing up day after day to this cult fellowship is the embodiment of the adage that if you want to be successful, identify successful people and follow their examples. Think about it, no other region that I’ve posted in (just Churham) even comes close to the number of kick-a$$ respects we host on any random weekday. [Read More]

Blackjack! (dealer folds)

In the fourth and final installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, YHC’s eyes were a little bigger than his stomach. We stepped up to a buffet of Wolverines and put a few more on our plate than we could stomach. More on that later, for now you just need to know that 16 HIM gathered at Bond Park ready to cap the week with a Flacco-style beatdown. Which is sure to include some yoga. [Read More]

Merkin Monday (on a Friday)

Welcome to the 3rd installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, and only the 2nd installment Q’d by YHC! After an unexpected business trip to Virginia preempted the 2nd installment (that was graciously Q’d by Sabre), YHC felt the need to get swolt. (And my legs aren’t working very well since the lungefest at SNS, so upper body seemed the way to go.) So my M went to Crate & Barrel to buy me something nice for my Flaccoversary, and she found Merkins on sale. [Read More]

Why do my legs still hurt?

It’s been 50 hours and 13 minutes since this workout at SNS on Wednesday September 26, and my legs still hurt. This was the first installment of Flaccoversary week and I wanted to make it one to remember. Now I’m trying to forget it. Read below to see why. Warm Up Mosey to the gate, circle up and warm up Good morning x 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 front x 10 back Imperial Walkers x 15 Shoulder/tricep lean R/L Merkins x 40 [Read More]

Carpex Crud?

Waking up to a DM that the scheduled Q was out sick today, YHC couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of new site Q hazing ritual. But upon hearing that Kryptonite suffered from the same affliction, perhaps it’s possible that the Carpex Crud has returned. Better wait on that picnic for a few weeks. In any event YHC was somewhat concerned that my co-site Q would struggle coming up with a themed workout and associated props in 30 minutes, so I decided to step up and give it a go on short notice. [Read More]