Come over the Hill Caroline

Preamble A couple of weeks ago Yoga Mat, the king of pre-blasts, put out the call that the FWD Q was open. Hey, why not. Well, except for the drive. But it is always good to visit the eastern regions of my former kingdom. YHC had no idea this day would come on the heels (see what I did there?) of my beloved Wolfpack’s brutal loss to the corrupt Chapel Hillians. [Read More]


31! This has been some kind of week, so just like I did in my preparation I’m going to keep it brief. Mostly recycled my May the H8th workout from last year (thank you, longevity). Here’s what we did this time: FNG Check / F3 Mission Statement / FOLLOW ME into the park Quick figure 8 through the playground, and back to the inner lot for: GM // SSH // TT // 31SM [Read More]

Wilt and Copperhead Dora

YHC had a great beatdown planned for Back in Black this week. Unfortunately my good buddy Yoga Mat did most of it during his Respect Week Q last week. Went back to the drawing board and came up with this. Warm-Up Disclaimer and Pledge, then mosey over to the Koka Booth entrance for three rounds of quick feet and irkens, then to the bottom of the hill and circle up for cherry pickers, Steve Earles, arm twirlies, seal claps and copperhead merkins. [Read More]

Do it for the Coffee

It was a chilly below freezing morning, so my overarching goal was to keep the PAX moving (warm) without collapsing from exhaustion (me). A delicate balance to be sure. No FNG’s as I start the disclaimer. Then stop the disclaimer as Augmented wheels into the parking lot. Then start the disclaimer *again*. Mosey to the flag, do the Pledge, and leave the small parking lot in favor of the big parking lot. [Read More]

FWD Old Fogey Q

11/12/19 Flirting with Disaster It’s Respect week. So it means YHC set aside his walker and came out to teach some whippersnappers what happens in the dark, wet, woods. Warm-ups After a short run around the pickle, we circled up for some side straddle hops, good mornings, merkins and mountain climbers. Then it was time to run into the dark, dark woods. We ran to the junction for some exercise I can no longer remember since I was out of breath at the time. [Read More]