If you can do this, you can do the Odyssey

11 pax gather in the lot with perfect fall weather. No FNGs, 3 headlamps and we are off. Warm up jog followed by SSH, daisy pickers, Good Mornings etc. Mosey to base of bridge for instructions on the Thang from Braveheart From middle of bridge, partners go in opp direction with one way being bearcrawl and the other lunge (both to end of the bridge). Run to base of each hill and perform exercise. [Read More]

Gut Check

“Can’t ask of others what you aren’t willing to do yourself.” Someone, somewhere Warmup: Good Mornings Windmills Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4 - Corners and a Center Escalator Work out. Corner #1 - M’uricans Corner #2 - Frog Ups Corner #3 - Squat Corner #4 - Star Jump Center - With Cinder block do an 8-Count Rock ya body or a Burpee Starting with 1 rep and adding 1 rep per rotation up to 10 reps. [Read More]

Hemlock Bluffs Blair Witch

Several for extra credit, and 20 were there for the main event. No respects. We ran down the trail past the SWW turn and then crossed the creek into the woods and onto the Hemlock Bluffs trail. We ran all the trails in Hemlock Bluffs (well, almost all). Then we ran home. We did some push ups and squats and things along the way while waiting for the 6 to catch up. [Read More]

Suicide-ish Triple Nickels and Emily Blunts

Some like the saying, ‘another day, another dollar’ or the ever popular in my world, ‘good enough for government work’. In prep for the Back in Black Q this morning and with a still to be determined BRR route on everyone’s mind, I knew we needed hill work. I knew deep down though no one really wanted hill work, but maybe that’s just YHC. I throw on some RATM ‘Bulls on Parade’ for the ride over to Koka Booth VIP lot. [Read More]

Honeycomb Hills

26 HIMs showed up today. This was my 2 year anniversary this week and this is original place i posted. Thank you Water Wings for bringing me out! Intro… Water Wings showed up late. 5 Burpees Pledge Mosey to the parking lot at Regency Woods for a warm up The Thang 7’s on the big hill (.2 downhill and .2 back up) We started with 6 Burpees at the top and 1 Burpee at the bottom Everyone finished this up and we set on a Washington run back to the flag Finished right on time… clocked 4. [Read More]

Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining. It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again. But I’m getting ahead of myself. YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. [Read More]

Still Water Runs Deep, Bluewater Runs Far

QIC: Bluewater Lots of EC action, with Repeato announcing a launch at 0440 and Oofta at 0455. Warm-Up: Some much-appreciated stretches were mixed into the usual routine. Thing 1: Pearls on a String, up the Ederlee hill (twice) and around Regency Parkway to the rock pile. Thing 2: Partner rockwork dora (each Pax with his own rock). Curls, presses, tricep extensions. Mosey back to the flag (3.25 miles), Mary, have a nice day. [Read More]

Power Hour

Francois is your Q. Repeato and Bartman for 60-pound sandbag EC. Warmup: Kashmir on the Sonos for Francois’ patented exercise calls. Thing 1: Power Hour on the Sonos for rock work. Quite a playlist. 2 of the first 3 were Britney. There was some Ricky Martin, TLC, and a Backstreet Boys song. Nothing to see here, just some bros pressing rocks overhead while listening to “Livin La Vida Loca.” Thing 2: Dude Solutions for “Back in Black” and “Don’t Stop Believing” while bear crawling, derkining, quick feeting, and box jumping on the lip of a curb so narrow that everyone wisely bailed out. [Read More]

Modified As Necessary

YHC signed up over a week ago to Q Slippery When Wet and had my greatest Q to date, planned…then Thursday happened. A slight miscalculation on the cruiser bike sent me flying. A primarily upper body workout quickly transitioned to an all leg workout less than 15 hours from launch. Moving on….H.D. Ritter Park was open for business, the ECers came in, we get started with the disclaimer (most of it, I think) because there is an FNG present, the pledge was pledged and 19 of us took off for some new parking lots (for me, at least) on Crescent Green Drive. [Read More]

Chopped Sooey

QIC: Chops! 14 Pax are right on time. Pledge, mosey, warm up at Dude Solutions. Thing 1: Indian Run for a mile around the lake. Thing 2: Three-man DORAs in the Chiesi parking lot. Partner one handles the DORA (100 merkin, 200 lowslowflutters, 300 squats), partner two runs across the parking lot to relieve partner three. Partner three is monkey humping. Thing 3: Pearls on a string back to the flag. [Read More]