Brotherhood of the Traveling Rocks

The plan this morning was to travel around SNS with some rocks. None of this standing around in a circle stuff. Get that heart rate up! Warm Up SSH x 20 Merkins x 15 Good Mornings x 15 Mountain Climber x 15 Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward and back x 10 each. Burpees x 5 OYO Thang 1 Get a medium sized rock. Mosey over to parking lot. 7 exercises around the parking lot perimeter. [Read More]

Tortoises Comes To A-Team

The plan this morning was to bring a Tortoises style workout to A-team. Limited running, unlimited pain. So we moseyed to the first parking lot at the front of the park and stayed there for the entire workout. Warm Up Little Man Jumping Jacks x 15 Jukebox x 15 (created by and named for my 2.0) Imperial Walker x 15 Cotton Pickers x 15 Thang 1 Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, merkins x 100, prisoner squats x 200, LBCs x 300, one partner runs the pickle while the other does the exercises. [Read More]

Over Hill and Dale in Downtown Cary

So a few weeks ago I was complaining giving constructive criticism about an Indian Run we were in the middle of when Term Paper said, “Guess what, VQ week is right around the corner and you can plan an even better workout.” Dazed and confused, YHC finds himself in the gloom, in front of FUMC, Q’ing the Bradford’s Ordinary. A huge THANK YOU for the yoga mats that appeared! At long last, my wail of anguish has been answered and I have a place to lay my weary countenance! [Read More]


YHC was super pumped up with Q-Drenaline for his VQ. So pumped up that he initially got into the car this AM without his running shoes. So pumped up that he drew up a 2-sided weinke in 4-point font that was entirely unreadable in the early gloom. So pumped up that he was nearly made late for his own VQ while waiting for “Gonna Fly Now” from the Rocky Soundtrack to download, so that YHC could get into the proper mental/emotional state on the drive to FWD. [Read More]

7/20/2017 Artsy Fartsy

16 PAX including a 2.0 - Bo Jackson working on his maiden 6 pack showed up for a YHC led workout. The warm-up: Jog to sea of booty (aka Copacabana Wave) new location and circle up for some warm up. Jog to sea of booty old location and warm up some more. Jog to some other odd art sculpture near the rail road tracks (aka Excelerator) for some more warm up. [Read More]


12 HIM came out to learn more about 2T3S. How does this simple statement impact our lives, our family and friends. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control 2T - Toughness Physically & Mentally - To serve our families and community as leaders we must prepare ourselves. It is not easy to get up at 5am (most) everyday and work ourselves to a pulp, suffering through a beatdown. [Read More]

A-team Ninja Warrriors

Holy open gates Batman! Over the course of the last few months, YHC has gotten pretty used to the gates being closed, so therefore the workouts have all been planned around that being the case for the last several Q’s at YHC’s beloved Ateam. This was the first time plans were foiled due to OPEN gates! YHC put the EC on neighbor Cliff (Blackout) who was Carpex’s newest FNG. He was the ONLY FNG this fine morning, despite some PAX members taking joy in confusing your hapless Q. [Read More]

The Money Move

Flip Flop, disco duck, smokey, Burt, Joe Smith, largemouth, Chanticler, Hermes, pierogi, shank, coney, Banjo Recently YHC was in Chapel Hill where Yanni led the pax through 50 prom night Merkins to the pax chagrin, as is if those glory days were not a bar set high, much like Burts high school fro bringing him in at 5'10". This is real stuff for these men of action. Hermes alone would scoff at such a weak execution and bow out that chest and announce three or four more rounds. [Read More]

Pick Up Your 6

“Who you spend time with is who you become. Proximity is power.” - Tony Robbins This quote came across my Twitter feed this weekend and I loved it. Right away it made me think of my F3 brothers. The ones I see everyday that help make me better. Not only physically but also, through fellowship and faith, a better man, husband, dad, son, coworker…you name it. I sat there proud thinking of the people I surround myself with because of the good it does in my life. [Read More]

Turkish Delight

Pre-BB THANKS and a BIG SHOUT OUT to all the Q’s I’ve posted under since my first day…you all taught me well! Thanks, WaterWings for inviting me out. Grateful for the brotherhood! Thanks for the support today! BB ‘Twas Saturday morning and through-out CarPex not a creature was stirring except…Callahan, Old Maid, Hermes (gear), Pierogi (gear), Dice, Bo Jackson, Yoga Mat, Texas Ranger, Ollie (3rd Anniv.), Smokey, Crimson, Sooey, Napster, Shank, Yogi, Hi-Liter (VQ), Disco Duck, Mississippi, Biner, Bonham (FNG), Sour Mash, Large Mouth, Term Paper, Sky Blue, Free Bird, Bartman, and Red Dawn. [Read More]