It's cold, but it's no Reykjavik!

YHC was truly impressed with all the CARPex crazies talking EC last night on the MC Groupme channel. Between Insomnia, EC Ruck, OTB in South Wake and Pittsboro — and a Tortoise Challenge from @f3earhart — was anyone going to Post at the Utopia that is the unofficial Wednesday CARPex convergence? As @flipflopcarpex and YHC rolled into the parking lot, the answered seemed to be “no”. Lots of dark, homogenic, exhaust-spewing vehicles but little cold breath to be seen. [Read More]

Italian Stallions

Pre-BB Italian is pronounced | iˈtalyən | … NOT EYE-talian. FWIW BB Love this site … what a great core of HIM. 13 prize fighters joined YHC to go ten rounds with Rocky Balboa. Last week YHC Q’d at Dawn Patrol and took the men there through ten rounds with Mike Tyson…only CarPex men could handle this upgrade. Ring the bell…here we go… The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the…wait…hey Site Q, where’s the flag? [Read More]

Rochambeau or Roshambo?

Hannibal, the leader of the A-Team, had his famous catch phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together.” Here’s the thing when you’re the QIC of A-Team: you have to have a Plan A and a Plan B. The Q’s fate is held with Cheddar Bo. And like Cousin Eddie, Cheddar Bo shows up when he wants. On this morning, Cheddar-Bo was akin to a DZ Site Q…….nowhere to be found. [Read More]

Tiny Black pellets forever

Atmosphere: Damp and 40 degrees I noticed the gate open on the lacrosse field, so I immediately thought about revising my initial baseball field sprints, which could be sloppy (I know how you kids like it EXTRA schloppy). Long story short, the field turf is like a sponge and we enjoyed sitting in the soak to have some Mary. Although, we did get on the field, Smokey thought mid way through the post we might have a city worker shake us down. [Read More]

Constructing (and Deconstructing) BLIMPS

14 HIM gathered at the well-lighted Apex Nature Park to start their weeks off right. Started with a brief jog into one parking lot (where the PAX got a little confused as Hot Spot broke off from the group for his solo run through the woods) for the warmup (SSH, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, Mountain Climbers, Cotton Pickers). Mosey across the street to the larger parking lot to construct (and deconstruct) some BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) as follows. [Read More]

Mutiny in the Dark

Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, an attempt at Sir Fazio arm circles that was derailed by Hermes’s counting and YHC’s laughter, followed by ten penalty burpees. The Thang Mosey out of the park and down to the Crescent Green parking lot for Paula Abdul. The plan was to travel around the perimeter of the parking lot by moving two steps (light poles) forward, one step (light pole) back, but YHC failed to communicate the instructions clearly at the beginning. [Read More]

WWW x 4

4th Q of the week and still going strong. Welcome FiA to Bounty Hunters this morning! 8 ladies strong! Warm-UP Jog to the grassy lawn in front of Town Hall 20 SHH 10 Cotton Pickers 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Merkins in cadence Head over to parking lot on other side of Town Hall. Burpee suicides. 3 run, 6 run back, 3 run, 9 run back, 3 run, 12 run back, 3 more for good measure. [Read More]

Anniversary Week aka WWW

Water Wings Week began on a clear, cool morning at the infamous A-Team AO. This roughly marks my One Year Anniversary, but since I couldn’t remember the actual date, I’m Qing the whole week for prudence sake. 18 brave HIMs met at the gate while watching Mr Parks and Rec unlock the gate 2 minutes too late for the PAX to drive into the park. 5:45 ticked and YHC lead the PAX to the 2nd parking lot on the right for a little warm-up with SSH, Cotton Pickers and Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Hello Flacco

With a week of travel in front of many PAX, Hello Kitty alerted the Carpex region via GroupMe that there were prime Q spots open all week. A true HIM, Flacco stepped up for his VQ with Kitty close in tow to help along the journey. And with that, it was time for a Hello Flacco butt-whipping. PAX gathered for a gloomy SNS post. Insomnias back in from their jaunt, and a small group of Vespers heading out, it’s time to get after it. [Read More]

Freddie Wilt Would Be Proud

Pre-Pre-BB My 68 year old father just crushed six months of chemo and radiation. I cannot say THANK YOU enough to my brothers in F3. You faithfully prayed for dad and my family throughout his whole ordeal. Words fall short, but I’ll use them anyway. I appreciate you all very, very much. In honor of dad’s incredible achievement, we’ll begin with 68 SSH. Pre-BB (excerpted from Wikipedia) Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). [Read More]