A-Team 4/23/18: Day 1 -- The 1960'S

The week of Smokey begins with the music of the 1960’s. Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, and many more joined us in the gloom for a sand bag work out. We started with a brief run up to the parking lot for warm ups. Apparently, YHC was filled with Q-drenaline and Hot Spot had to catch up with him on the run to let him know he had left everyone else behind. [Read More]

Carpex Convergence

The twitters were abuzz last night with all sorts of HCs from PAX of several regions… as has become common for Downtown Apex’s premier Thursday morning AO. I shared with my M that today had the chance to be my largest Q to date! I tempered her excitement by stating that this was the trend with this AO specifically, and most definitely had little to do with YHC. Nevertheless, it was a daunting privilege to lead a larger workout. [Read More]

Anniversary Kegger

April 10, 2018 It’s been one year since YHC first tasted the Gloom at FWD in April 2017, and YHC felt a little celebration was in order. But how best to mark the occasion with a touch of class and sophistication? Would the PAX prefer a tasteful platter of dry-roasted, unsalted, Whole-30-reminiscent almonds? Or mayhaps a pre-breakfast kegger? After unsuccessfully /polling the PAX on Slack (better watch your back @Slackbot) and then successfully polling the PAX on GroupMe (long may it reign), kegs beat almonds and YHC knows that the first rule of partying it to give the people what they want. [Read More]

Dos Toros

Saturday is coming up fast and no one has claimed the Phoenix Q. YHC checks with the co-site Q to see if it’s really available, it is, and we decide to co-Q. Disco Duck takes the first half, Texas Ranger takes the second. Here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and mountain climbers. The Thang [Read More]

Hidden Hills of Apex

Temps in the mid 40s. A perfect day for a strong group of 21 PAX to log a few miles and eat some hills for breakfast. Good to see Yoda make the trip from Raleigh again, and his guy Curry. This was YHC’s 2-week delayed birthday Q, after being sick with the flu on my actual birthday. Thanks to Burt for the beer lesson and for bringing me the gift of various of Anheuser Busch products (you know, because Michelob). [Read More]

Jump Set Spike Rock

As Friday morning rolled around and my soreness from the SNS Q still sang its sweet chords up and down my quads, glutes and hamstrings, I realized that today may not be a good day for excessive leg work. A few of my fellow SNS PAX quickly agreed - thanks for the nudge Liverpool and Chanticleer. Luckily I was not without any ideas having pre-blasted some volleyball action at the DZ sand court. [Read More]

A Pierogi Confession

To whit: I had not, to date, really tried to deliver a good ol’, shut yo’ mouth F3 beatdown so when the SNS Twitter handle kindly reminded YHC of the Q the next day, that’s what I vowed to try and do. If the other PAX feel even a small fraction as sore as I do this afternoon, success! Warmup SSH Sir Fazio & claps Cotton pickers Thang: Form into 3 lines and scout run to the end of the main road through Bond (sprint to the light post) Recover care of Jack Webb 1:4 Merkins:Air presses Catch Me Indian Run to main parking lot (5 DM when peeling off) Recover with Lt Dans 1:4 Squats:Lunges (each leg one) 4 corner escalator (10-20-30-40) - 10x squat - 10x LBC - 10x overhead claps - 10x burpees Bear-crawl inchworm to the end of the parking lot No time for mini-Dora so Mosey back to main parking lot for… High tempo Mary: American Hammers x10 IC Leg Raises x10 IC Heel touches x10 IC LBC x10 IC Boat/canoe x10 Flutter kick IC (each PAX did a 4 count around the COT… ~120 total) COT: Count-a-rama: 22 for SNS and another 8 for Vespers (Hermes, Term Paper, Michelob, Hot Spot +3 others I don’t recall or thought were with SNS the whole time) Announcements: F3 Dads camp: sign up! [Read More]

Raccoon sighting

Friday, April 6th No we really didn’t see any raccoons but you are now reading the back blast, so that is a positive. While arriving last Friday I was greeted by an extremely chipper PAX. I think his name was Bayonne, so that is a problem. Although, another PAX that was less energetic was actually named “Chipper”, also present, so that washes itself out. I asked Earhart how many kettlebells he had in his car the night before and it was actually half of what he mentioned. [Read More]

Hills, Benches and Rocks - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

After a week of vacation in the mountains YHC was anxious to jump back into F3 this week! Since I was a bit out of shape from too much beer and pizza I invited (guilted) Crimson into co-Q’ing with me this fine Monday. Last night as we were planning our co-Q my M gave me some funny looks as we discussed “Dora” and “Mary” but I digress. A cool, crisp “spring” morning greeted 12 PAX at Apex Community Park. [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]