Just in Time Training

I still don’t wear a watch during these workouts. While it’s always good to see Biner, unless he’s Qing of course (then you just have to channel your inner Spartan warrior), he provided the necessary time checks along the way during this particularly time sensitive workout. It was only time sensitive in that we were traveling a long way from the flag and everyone likes arrive home on time. 17 showed, 2 kept Sooey company as he continues his recovery walks, so 14 of launch for a trip around the Apex Lake. [Read More]

As Easy as 1-2-4

It’s a little known secret that when YHC Qs sometimes I transpose numbers or leave out/imply the unimportant ones. It isn’t really an issue though because I am still considered the best Q in Carpex (In fact, Ma Bell has even taken me aside a number of times and offered to pay for me to attend an elite Q school called Camp Gladiator for the next few years.) But there is always room for improvement so YHC thought long and hard about how to deal with all of these ’numbers’. [Read More]

Oil Can and Meatballs Along Route 66

Thirteen HIM’s gathered this morning for YHC’s 1-year F3 anniversary Q. Perfect spring weather for a run around Bond Park. Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Hillbilly’s and a few stretches. PAX in full chatter mode today with Yogi and Liverpool leading the mumblechatter, noting the Q’s rather stylish flexibility on display. Mosey to the rockpile for Thang1 Thang 1: Find an ego rock and circle up for Rock Rows, Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Lunges and Triceps; PAX traded rocks to keep everyone honest. [Read More]

Traveling 4 Corners

19 strong on a perfect cool spring morning. disclaimer given and we are off 30 seconds early Brief mosey to warm up area SSH x 15 GM x 7 Hillbillies x 10 Merkins IC x 10 Low plank hold 5 count around the circle Thangs Mosey to one of the many office parking lots with increasing exercises at lamp posts HRM up to 10 Star jumps up to 15 *** [Read More]

No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]

No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]

PG Rated

A I happened to check Slack at around 9:30PM Saturday night and notice a Riptide post looking for a co-Q for Phoenix Saturday morning. I jumped on and decided to help Rip make his daughter’s Soccer game for which Hermès never stopped talking about for 30 min. Speaking of Hermès, many were happy they left the 2.0’s at home cause old Hermz was in rare but normal form. He did apologize during the prayer LOL! [Read More]


YHC went to a multi faith prayer vigil at Broughton high school with 2.1 in remembrance of those killed in the mass shooting in Christchurch New Zealand. One of the speakers was Farris Barakat, brother to Deah Shaddy Barakat, a second year dental student at UNC, who was murdered 2-10-15 at his home in Chapel Hill. Farris shared the story of the Muslim man, Daoud Nabi, at the mosque in Christchurch. [Read More]

Twas a starry night in the gloom which was ideal to bring on some Thunderstruck!

Date: 3/18/2019 QIC: WWW AO: A Team PAX: 15 For some reason, Sky Q forgot to turn on the heater. Albeit being a crisp / brisk morning, it was a blessing to be out there leading the PAX in the workout. Sooey graced us with his presence to get his walk in. Sooey is da Man because he did not wait long to get back out in the gloom. There is always one or two PAX that would not mind taking a walk with him. [Read More]

Just Getting Started!

After some debate on which parking lot we should circle up in we stuck with the standard operating procedure for SWW. After a delivery of the disclosures to our FNG we moseyed over to the back parking lot for some warm-up. SSH x 20 Sir Fazio Forward x 11 Sir Fazio Backward x 11 Seal Clap x 11 Merkins x 15 Calf Stretch Thang 1 Next, YHC had the PAX mosey to the Baseball Field and line up facing the outfield/infield from the 3rd base line. [Read More]