Helping out your GBB!

Love me some Dante’s Peak! Great group of guys there this amazing morning! It’s the 21st day of my man Flacco’s Murph-a-day in May – wondering how I can help him knock that out and keep it fun for all… here’s what went down…. Smithers brought FNG, we did the mission, bit of a disclosure and then the pledge. Warm-up – moseyed up the hill and down the locked up entrance to the basketball court – good morning, windmill, hillbilly, shoulder stuff, merkin, mtn climber, etc. [Read More]

White Prius

60 degrees with wind chill of 45, perfect weather for a beatdown. Warm-Up Mosey to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees (Smithers was two seconds late, the flag touched the ground, Hi-Liter made fun of my car). The Thang Quick mosey to the parking lot for three corners. Mosey to the top corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, mosey to the far corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, for five-ish rounds. [Read More]

Beaker called it monotony, I'm glad he noticed!

Hello Hell’s Bells! Great way to start the week! Here’s what happened: 10 studs and I gathered in the lot – quick survey revealed no FNGs, bummer…. we said the pledge & carried our kettle bells 1/2 way down the lot. Brief mosey around the lot to circle up for the: Warm-up: good morning, windmill, fazio/overhead/seal/alleluias/fazio backwards, plank, merkins, etc. Another quick mosey & gather for: The Thang: wanted to bring something newish to HB, so downloaded a Tabata app – we’d do 8 rounds of each exercise, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest…. [Read More]

DTP Changing of the Guard

AO: Disturbing the Peace Q: YHC Even with the haze of pollen in the air, it was perfect weather in the gloom so the numbers remained high at the best AO in all of Carpex. YHC studied and recited the F3 Mission for hours prior to the post so it rolled off the tongue effortlessly to kickoff the workout, next we did the pledge of allegiance and off we went. [Read More]

St. Paddy's Day at Lion's Den

With better weather than yesterday or tomorrow (cloudy and 40s versus storms), an insider’s scoop preblast from the site Q, and the opportunity to start off St. Paddy’s Day at St. Mary Magdalene’s, the chances were good for a decent turnout at Lion’s Den. As I tried to put together a decent routine to match, I thought to myself that things could get interesting, depending on how many people wear green. [Read More]

ABC, Easy as 1-2-3, Simple as Do-Re-Mi

With expectations high for a sophomore Q and accompanying backblast, I opted for a simple schoolhouse theme in honor of the Hot for Teacher AO. A lovely, moonbright, 40-degree morning for a workout. Again, lots of ECers and although I was not one of them, I did show up a bit earlier to check off the Carpex Core Challenge, courtesy of Prodigal. Warmup Trick mosey, then: Side-straddle hop IC 15-count. Imperial walkers IC 15-count. [Read More]

Where's Headroom???

Well, Headroom was on the Q sheet for this morning’s workout. 0530 came and went and there was no Headroom and since fellow site Q Chicken Little was at A Team with the rest of the boy band, YHC had to fill in. Headroom, you owe us one buddy! Warmup: Ok, so YHC is leading this thing with no plan whatsoever and someone suggests we mosey around the parking lot to see if Headroom does indeed show so that sounded like a great idea. [Read More]

Moving on to Plan E

Have I told you how sick I am of cold, rainy weather? Luckily today we were expecting highs to get into the 60s. With sunshine. WITH SUNSHINE!!! However this morning, it was still 30s and the ground was wet from rain we’ve had in the past 1,231 hours. Six for EC run of about 3 miles. Return to the flag, and I initially thought I was in the wrong place. Maybe I should post at DTP a little more often - apparently it’s now the place to be in Downtown Apex on Tuesdays at 0530. [Read More]

A Pickle-y Good Time

A baker’s dozen collected at the flag at 0530 for a moist adventure through some of the finest pickles on the POGL side of Carpex. Disclaimer given, first exercise is Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the church entrance and circle up. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Burpees just because, Standard Merkins, Runners stretch, calf stretch, and Steve Earles. Pickle Thangs At the parking lot adjacent to the school, we run the various pickles that we are blessed to have. [Read More]

A "Respectable" Measure Twice

Only a “respect” for a week and here I am as the Q for a second time in the same month! Could this be the start of something crazy I start doing in my “old age’? We shall see. Thang 1: The Run South on Louis Stephens Drive West onto Morrisville Pkwy North onto Davis Drive West onto Morrisville Carpenter Road South on Louis Stevens Drive Thang 2: Brogra consisting of but not limited to the following: [Read More]