Disclaimer: We Won't Run.

YHC hadn’t posted since Hot for Teacher last week as I was dealing with a bum ankle, so when coming up with a plan for this morning, I thought it’d be a good idea to limit the running and just hit upper body hard. I announced to the group how unprofessional I am and made a disclaimer that we wouldn’t be doing a lot of running. I quickly realized in the first mosey that the ankle was feeling pretty darn good so I changed my plans on the fly and incorporated the worst hill I could find. [Read More]

Hidden Agenda

17 pax: Banjo, Bootlegger, Disco duck, Earhart, Headroom, Hummus, Juicy Fruit, Kool-Aid, Peeping Tom, Ramsey, Side Out, Slim Shady, Snooki, Steaks, Theismann, Triple Lindy, Wahoo, Warmup 2 line Indian run around the front of church, back to flag, and then various warmup exercises and active stretching. ME. Though the men did not know it, the following exercises are ones elite trail runners use that don’t live in mountainous terrain. Two line Indian run to the planter boxes, grab a partner. [Read More]

"Grundel to the Ground"

Well its both hard to believe its only been a year and hard to believe a year has gone by. Having been while since I’ve Q’d, I decided to pick up Dante’s Peak for my F3 Anniversary. I arrived a little early to sort out and finalize my plans with a short EC around the site getting in a few pull-ups and scaring something that sounded larger than it should have been in the woods by the amphitheater (or did it scare me? [Read More]

A little bit of VENOM

Date: 8/24/2020 QIC: Bartman YHC was happy to grab a Q spot at Hell’s Bells, and even happier to stumble upon some inspiration for the workout on the facetubes. F3 Little Spoon posted a quick “while your M is off doing top secret bond girl stuff” workout, and while clearly his lifestyle is not typical suburbia, it sounded like a good “while your M is yelling at the kids to get out of bed” material. [Read More]

Everyday, a Good Day

What a way to start the day. The accountability that you each have inspires me everyday. Opened with the Pledge and jaunt around the parking lot. Circle up for some SSH, Imp Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, more Merkins, Mtn Climbers Thing 1 stairs with MacTarGi( no idea if that is how you spell it) then burpees 5x - MTG 10x IC at bottom of stairs, up the stairs then 10x Burpees at the top [Read More]

Merkins in the time of Blue Ridge

I have never seen “Love in the time of cholera”. Now there is “Love in the time of Corona”. Haven’t seen that either. But Friday at DP, we had something better. Arm work in the time of run-heavy Qs. But as with many workouts nowadays, this one started the night before with mindgames from Headroom. EC at 5am tomorrow. Let’s get in some miles!!! Headroom… circa 8pm Sure, sounds good. HC. [Read More]

One more lap

YHC was pleased to see 18 HIMs gather in the gloom for a mostly running workout. I realize the PAX like to incorporate all the major muscle groups so I incorporated a variety of exercises, but I really prefer running. Today we covered 2.8 miles around the parking lot, but next time we will take one more lap around the parking lot which should get us to 3. Disclaimer No FNGs, so standard disclaimer and Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Holy Sh*%! It's been a year!

What a crazy ass year it’s been! Thinking back to this time last year, I couldn’t have imagined that a few beers at Lowes Food with a bunch of dudes named Steve would have impacted me quite like it has. Chicken Little and Hamm had been working on me for months and I kept holding strong, sleeping in and making excuses. That was until Sooey had to go and buy me a beer – well, technically Schlitz gave me a free beer, but Sooey shelled out the dough for my second. [Read More]

For our furry friends

It was good to be back at Lion’s Den and see all the guys I see at other times during the week, just at a different location. Seriously, this AO means a lot to me and I’m glad to see it is thriving under @Ramsey and @Slim Shady’s leadership. For this workout I wanted to recognize those furry friends in our lives that give us comfort, entertainment and unconditional love. Make sure to give your pet a hug today, unless it is gross, like a fish or reptile. [Read More]

Moist for teacher

It was moist today. Humid. Muggy. Sticky. Steamy. Oppressive. Clammy. Soupy. Heavy. Like a Turkish bath. Thank god it wasn’t dank. That would have been too much. Pre: Drive 21 minutes from home to H4T. Check on first option for Thang 1 but decide it’s too dark. Check on second option for Thang 1 and decide it’s a bit too overgrown. Decide to go with third, and most obvious option. [Read More]