Meet the Pivots

Twas another splendid Tuesday morning in at Field of Dreams. YHC was ready to go after a brisk run to the AO with BOGO, Squatter, and Michelob. We gathered, I recited some form of a disclaimer. Debate ensued on whether we should state the fact that it is a disclaimer, or if we should simply disclaim. Quick mosey around the parking lot and we all join the pivot family circle of trust for warmups. [Read More]


YHC rolled into Thomas Brooks park a little early to knock out some EC pull-ups. It’s not much of a thing here, but eventually several PAX joined in once they realized that pull-ups can be done at the shelter by the soccer fields. Good news, we’ll be back here eventually. With pull-ups done and the time drawing nigh, we joined the PAX circling up in the normal FOD starting spot. One issue - no flag. [Read More]

Circus is in town

A beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary. Welcome to the Circus. Ringmaster Geek Squad led the day’s events. 15 showed up on time. Unfortunately Nature Boy was late. After the pledge, we were penalized with 5 burpees to allow Nature Boy into the Circus. At ring 1: Warm Up 5 Good mornings 5 Wolverines OYO 5 Windmills 10 ea Fazio arm circle forward, reverse I 10 Merkins At ring 2: Thang 1 Mosey to track 25 Merkins Lunge walk curve 25 jump squats Backward run straight 25 mountain climbers (L/R = 1) side shuffle curve 25 Hello Dolly Repeato At ring 3: Thang 2 Mosey to stairs Divided into two groups Group 1 [Read More]

Crikey, Nothing Like a Pre-Brekky Beatdown!

Nature Boy and Hi-Liter posing after the beatdown. It was an anxious crowd (or maybe an anxious Q for his first full beatdown Q) at Field of Dreams this morning, excited to see what was in store down in the gloom. Warm Up: Pledge of Allegiance….respect the stars and stripes! Quick mosey to the first lot, pick up the 6, circle up with side straddle hop, and your standard merkin Mosey uphill to the next parking lot, once again get the 6, side straddle hop, and wide grip merkins One more fast mosey to the last parking lot for more side straddle hop, and the diamond merkin. [Read More]

Frigid Circus

It wasn’t raining and there was a sunrise, so mark that as a win in the weather column. However, the PAX kept complaining about “The Cold”. Now, the weed companies, pest companies, and Punxsutawney Phil all assure me that Spring has sprung. My hydrangeas agreed, much to the dismay of their now-wilted buds. Alas, I can’t do anything about that, but I can do something about the shivering PAX. Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up) [Read More]

Running in Circles, Picking up Rocks

19 men showed up for some calisthenics at Field of Dreams. What’s there to say?… We did lots of circles around the parking lot. All told, we covered a little over two miles. We also did some creative rock exercises and debated the proper way to do a Dying Cockroach (the Q’s way was correct). And most importantly, we met an FNG. Welcome Kung Pao! The Thang: Mosey up hill [Read More]

Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Flying-Circus PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW, Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios. We mosey top the track for some clowning around. Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations) [Read More]

Thanks for calling me a man

What a great morning for a Danger Zone workout. #MDZGA FNG Dan joined us, the disclaimer was given and off we went. Quick Mosey around the pickle and circled up for the warm-up. **Warm Up **Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, SHH Mosey down the trail to the big loop. **Thang One **Partner up - Partner Squats x 15, Partner Clap Merkins x 10, Bropees x5; Run in opposite direction and meet at the other end of the loop. [Read More]

Rocks Partner

Or rather Partner Rocks - but had to come some title and a corresponding pic. Beautiful crisp morning and we are 20 strong. Disclaimer given Warm Up Mozy through some cars to alternative parking lot SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 10 Thang 1 Partner up with and grab 1 good size rock. We stopped 4 times, with one partner doing rock work and the other an exercise, all in cadence and then swap rock [Read More]

Ascending BLIMPS...not a theme

As the pax gathered, I was still driving to the AO, I’m assuming there was pleasant conversation had by all. I popped out of my chariot and announced 1 minute, turned out closer to 15 seconds. We are off on a warm up run to the fire station. Warmups are a disaster, a car came, my cadence was apparently terrible, whatever, we did SSH/Merkins/Hill Billys/Good Mornings…on to the thang: Ascending light pole B. [Read More]