Ode to Memorial Day 2018

53 strong came out to the Memorial Day Convergence in 2018 at the Field of Dreams site. Many of of those 53 will tell you the first thing that comes to mind when they recall that workout are the battle scars they bear on their elbows left behind from one particular exercise. In the past year I’ve only seen that exercise called one other time and it wasn’t warmly received then either. [Read More]

Airbag’s Revenge

Pre-Blast 13 mountain goats for hill suicides at FC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at The flag. Run around the schools, backwards run, extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for: GM, WM, Groiner Merkins, SSH. The Thangs Grab a traveling rock at the bottom of Andy Hill. Light pole suicides: increasing (by 3) Prime Time ‘Mercans at each of seven light poles with 10 Side Plank Star Crunches at the bottom…carry your rock with you up and down the hill. [Read More]

And now for something completely different......

In the ever brightening gloom as we giddy up toward summer, 15 brave and intrepid men made their way to an outpost in the northernmost western AO in Cary, for an early morning beatdown by Carpex legend Petsounds. Petsounds has other ideas and was thousands of miles away in sunny CA whilst all this was going on, so instead YHC stepped in as a makeweight Q whilst Petsounds googleplexed in Palo Alto…. [Read More]

The Jim Parsons Project

YHC rolled into the grounds of Flying Circus, arguably the finest AO in west Cary on a Thursday, to see a couple of HIMs already on the grounds. A few pull-ups are done at the baseball field, and eventually there’s a solid dozen ready for a good sweat-fest. Disclaimer is disclaimed, Allegiance is pledged, watches are started, and we’re off. Warm Up Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day. _NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._ 22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. [Read More]

Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.) All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

Shakin' & Stirrin'

Warm & beautiful morning in Cary’s Bond Park for Shaken not Stirred – great group of hard workin’ men too! It was my pleasure to lead such a group & I thoroughly enjoyed it! No FNGs, only familiar faces. Started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary! We rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc. [Read More]

50 Challenge Accepted and Conquered

Date: 4/9/2019 AO: FOD PAX: Beaker, Bogo, Ezekiel, Franklin, Hi-Liter, One Direction, One Four, Pigeon, Sky Blue, Sub, WWW I was a little skeptic about the weather but it was not going deter me from showing up. F3 motto - no matter what the weather condition, get out there (rain, sleet, snow, shine, cold, hot) … it is a great day to workout at O dark thirty also known as the GLOOM. [Read More]

An AB-solutely pollen free beatdown.

There was no visible pollen at Wolverine on a warm and sweaty Monday morning. There were however 20 PAX passing on the left and hitting the six for an ab-solutely splendid morning! Warm-up: Pledge and wait for a just-a-few-seconds late Parker….10 burpees OYO and wait for just-a-few-seconds later Sky Blue…..plank hold, half way down. Hold up some arms, hold up some legs….okay let’s go! Brisk mosey to DDMS, circle up: SSH Calf-stretch merkins, switch Prisoner Squats The Thang: [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]