ICEing on the cake

Day 2 of YHC’s b-day Q-stravaganza…36F at 0511 in greater Apex…woo hoo, a day above freezing! Or not. Commute across the border to Brooks Park, and what’s this, but leftover SN/ICE all over the place. Flashback to yesterday’s Kryptonite. ENOUGH with the snow already! 36 at my house, 31 at the AO, meant a nice glaze of black ice was starting to appear, just in time for the PAX to arrive. [Read More]


Pre-BB We first learned about Festivus (for the rest of us) in Season 9, Episode 10 of Seinfeld. After raining down blows upon a poor, defenseless Christmas shopper, George Castanza’s father began a tradition that still impacts us today…at Flying Circus. Original footage: BB 8 HIM’s aired their grievances and performed feats of STRENGTH (and more) at FC. The Warmup - Run down the driveway to meet the EC runners arriving just in the nick of time - Run the big loop around to the far drive - Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Wide Grip Merkins, Ranger Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBCs - Partner up, run to the front of the middle school [Read More]

FC....Flying-Circus, or, Freezin' Cold?

This morning it was cold. No two ways about it – most definitely “brass-monkey weather” [Northern English colloquialism….Google it!]. We don’t worry too much about such minor discomforts at Flying Circus, so 11 of the strongest, bravest Unicorns ever found (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning) showed up raring to go at the premier AO (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning). This is roughly what we did…..starting at the Soccer pitches [Read More]

Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S

12-21-2017 12 pax Banjo, Biner, Gomer, Goose, Hi-liter, Kilmer, Ma Bell, Napster, Parker, Sky Blue, Sooey, Tubeless, Pax asked to share F3 names for those that have not yet met one another. No FNGs. We’re off to the bottom of “Miss Hill” with stop on the way to warm-up: SSH, IW, Sir Fabio arm circles, Mtn Climbers, Merkins Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Run to Green Level Church Rd, 10 of exercise, return, “Penitent Lunges” till the 6 completes 10 [slow knee to the ground lunges, with slightly bowed head. [Read More]

After Christmas Recovery

A group of 13 HIMs arrived at FOD for some after Christmas recovery. Crimson and YHC decided that by signing up to Q the day after Christmas was the best way to ensure we’d be up early. We had expected 8 HIMs at most but we’re presently surprised by a strong showing! At 5:45 plus a few seconds (we gave a few seconds to allow Grinch to join us) we were off towards the top parking lot for: [Read More]

96 Miles to Bethlehem

Fifteen HIM gathered today for a warm winter morning beat down at Phoenix. Some of you may have heard or participated in the Walk to Bethlehem challenge put out by Ma Bell and Term Paper to accumulate 96 miles (the estimated distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem) in any activity over the 21 days of Advent. As a tribute to the 96 miles that Joseph and Mary traversed, today we focused on the number 96 and the Christmas story. [Read More]

Flying V Meets Flying Circus

Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey over to the bleachers next to the track and partner up for Dora 1-2-3. 100 derkins, 200 dips and 300 squats while your partner runs to the fence and back, then flap jack. Mosey over to the stairs for Jacob’s ladder with star jumps at the top (in honor of the absent Site Q Goose). [Read More]

Gulag Springs

After a late night of steaks and merlot, both PAX arrived at the site, curious and slightly skeptical as to whether the other would show….then both remembered that F3 posts in rain or shine – so of course there would be an AO. For added challenge, we decided to rely on Franklins internal-GPS and duly left phones and Google Maps behind to venture off into the gloom - after a quick visual check for any FNG’s, off we went…. [Read More]

Perfect Form Burpee-cides

Apparently, all it takes to log some big numbers at an AO is to throw a gauntlet down on GroupMe…or the Twitters. But since I don’t tweet, or twit, someone must have helped spread the word. As I mentioned yesterday, one digital F3 communication format already overwhelms me. So, thanks ABB Kitty, Hi-Liter, Callahan, WKRP, and CI/6-pack/BurtLite/ChatEnforcer/Burt. That gentle buzz in my pocket that lets me know every three minutes that my job sucks relative to y’alls’ has become a welcome part of my day. [Read More]

Not Insane

11 of NW Cary’s finest HIM gathered on 11/30 at what is arguably the best NW Cary AO on a Thursday that ever existed. With all the hoopla over at BO, one would have thought the second coming was happening. I mean, there was surely a star to the east of us right over DTC. We are also pretty sure we heard a little drummer boy. Be that as it may, the 11 chaps left behind were just there to put in a day’s work before 0630. [Read More]