Odd Couple

Pre-Blast 17 (+2 Ruckers) for partner work at #ao-mon-ateam. 6 for great discussion at #qsource. Great start to the week! Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the midway parking lot on the right. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, Zebra Butt Kickers, Diamond ‘Mericans, WG ‘Mericans. Partner up, size matters. Run to the front of the back lot. Thang 1 Partner Carry across the lot and one time around the circle. [Read More]

Shawn's Bullpen

Got word that the Lowther (aka Chanticleer) Household was experiencing some sicknesses so I was ready to answer the call. Thursday 7 PM it was official, I would be running the show at GT. You know, I am the 3rd-wheel site Q there. And it has been a long time since I have Q’d, so it was meant to be. 13 gathered, 2 had on backpacks, one drove a 15 passenger van, and all where hoping to see Chanticleer. [Read More]

The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago. How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Hillbillies Side Straddle Hops 10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy [Read More]

5 PAX 2 Vests...

More firsts at Rush Hour for YHC. First, this was my first Rush Hour Q. Second, this was my second Q in the same say. Third, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest through part of the workout. Lastly, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest while Qing the workout. #acceleration I was not the only one wearing a vest. There were two vests, thanks to Theismann, that rotated through the Pax throughout the 94 degree beatdown. [Read More]

Q-School: Exam Day

It was a good day for a VQ, thanks to the perfect mix of humidity, heckling, helpful encouragement, and reminders from Shut-In that the things he brought up in Q school were better applied than remembered. Despite lots of “you’re starting at SNS?” questions we’re off. Mosey in the unusual direction from the flag, getting started at the ropes course parking lot. After a brief attempt to keep up appearances by suggesting that Build-a-Bear was passing the test in observing my counting woes, we found the correct combination of pauses and cadences to get going. [Read More]

Core Principles

We moved, we sweat, we got going like a turbo vette! It was a swampy morning at Gran Torino, so we just jumped into it. Warmup: Good Mornings - Pretty weak on the Nature Boy imitations SSH Merkins LBC’s Merkins We’re off The Thang: 4 groups of 2, one group of 3 on the soccer field. We ran opposite directions around the perimeter of the soccer field, and met for 10 LBC’s. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Always Be Blimpin'

EC runners: YHC, Old Maid & Chanticleer Ruckers: Build-a-Bear, Banjo, Skipper, Ezekiel 0530 off we go. Skip Pledge of Allegiance, get stern look from Biner, run around the parking lot back to flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance, receive a friendly grunt from Biner, circle up. **Warm Up **Good Morning, Windmill, SSH Run out to street and partner up for a little Suicide-Style B.L.I.M.P.S. **Thang One **P1 runs 3 light poles ahead and turns around. [Read More]

Time Hack

4 men; Build a Bear, Banjo, Skipper, Ezekiel. 15 minute time hack to the library, 1 mile away carrying 8” pain stick; not your ordinary pain stick. The men crushed it at 13:21. No penalty. At the library bear crawl to the midsection, 10 merkins with pack on, bear crawl to the library door, 10 merkins with pack on. At the door, flutter kicks while Build a Bear shares information about his airplane then overhead presses while Skipper talks about his GoRuck Star Course adventure last weekend. [Read More]