It's not the size of the rock that matters

Weather forecast for this morning was not looking good. And Claymore is one of those AO where options for hiding from the elements are limited. Unless you want to hang out under a tree. There are lots of those. I guess the dugouts technically work but then you have to worry about social distancing and how to do you split the PAX up. And there’s a bathroom. But it’s locked. And speaking of splitting PAX up… just don’t want to go there. [Read More]

Backblast two-fer

Taking a page out of the high-tempo-ness of the two AOs to which this two-fer belongs and high-tempoing this mofo in one uninterrupted writing block. Clock. Starts. Now. 7:01PM start. Measured Thrice Location: TGM PAX: YHC, Parker, Snots, 1-4, Pivot, Skidmore (out of towner… sort of), Biner, Hi-Liter + Ruckers: Trike, Repeato + Pooch, Skipper Warm-up: Bring yo gloves. Bring yo water. Start your Stravas. Follow me. Leave said gloves and said water (except Hi-Liter who claims that water makes him weak) over by the buses. [Read More]

Are we still writing backblasts?

Hello, and welcome to Fastest Friday AO in Carpex! The site that never shut down. Where mileage records are set and asterisks are badges of honor. YHC put forth his best marketing campaign he could to reQruit our native #beardedmillennial but with the Covid15 around his waste, Fortnight at his fingers, and a warm and dry fartsack YHC received word this morning at 0830 he “didn’t hear the alarms.” And he’s “sorry man”. [Read More]

Dr. Dre makes ya feel alright

#COVID19 is now officially in full hysteria mode. I mean that in the “uncontrolled” and not “exaggerated” sense of the term since who knows if the hysteria is warranted or not. But considering that the NBA just suspended their season… and travel from Europe into the US is blocked… and America’s Dad (or whatever we are calling Tom Hanks nowadays) is not in quarantine in Australia as a result of COVID… well, the shite has gotten real. [Read More]


“Hey, it’s 5:43, we should probably stop doing pull-ups and head over to the flag.” With that, 3 of the 8 total PAX we’d have for Claymore today made their way to the area where the flag sometimes rests. That is, when a site Q shows up to Claymore and has a flag. And with that, Frisco comes in hot, on 2 wheels tearing into the parking lot. With the flag. [Read More]

A is for Anniversary

So the goal this week was to do 6 Qs in 6 days to mark my one year anniversary with F3, which will officially be this Saturday 2/22 (and no, I am not running the Mayhem, not running a Maynard, and not rucking one either). And while my work plans are taking me down to Wilmington later this week, I still had the honor of leading a fine group of men this morning for a ruck-inspired boot camp. [Read More]

Rolling Stone triple nickel ruck bonanza

DATE: 2/14 PAX: Ezekiel, Largemouth, Skipper, Geek Squad, WWW Took a ruck mosey to starting point. This was the first but it was great to have Largemouth join us although he did not have a ruck. So, after our warm-up (GM, Sir Fazio, seal claps, and merkins), we went back to my truck to pick-up some coupons so LM did not feel left out. We headed to the starting point and tucked some for some number of light poles doing the thang. [Read More]

Moist mosey merkins

Don’t google that… It’s raining, quite a bit, but the 3rd core principle is outside, rain or shine, heat or cold. 10 head out for a bootcamp and 1 for a mother ruck. Warm-up: Leave the lot and head to the front of the school only to do warm-ups right next to the covered walk way. Thank you, Shutty. GM, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Phelps and Overhead clap The Thang: [Read More]

Fat. Man. Relays*

When you are 5'9" and 145lbs. in high school, with most of that mass residing between your calves and waist, you have sprinter potential. Unlike some Carpexers, I prefer my running to max out at about 400yds. If I have to pace myself, it’s not really my bag, baby. The discus throwers, shot-putters et al. liked to make fun of us skinny fast dudes because of all the running we had to do while they drank beer and threw heavy stuff. [Read More]

We rucked and picked up a straggler (the oldest of Old Maids)

Date: 12/20/19 AO: Rolling Stone PAX: Bartman, Disco Duck, Old Maid, Skipper, Trike, WWW Day 5 / Q #5. I had things planned with pain stations but when a cold or flu bug hits, you modify as needed. It was a balmy 28 degrees this morning and I had 4 rucking beast ready to get our ruck on. Ma Bell pulled the classic bait and switch with the GM boys and they had some Churham boys waiting in haste to get their party started. [Read More]