Adult "Keepy Uppy"

At the elite Tuesday limited-run/maximum pain AO in Carpex, we wanted to do something special today. I am still limited with an ankle but was looking forward to mixing things up a bit. I still had beers leftover from 2.0’s birthday, so I brought those…and some of his Bluey balloons for the PAX to play with. I am pretty sure I heard Repeato giggle with glee as those balloons were introduced. [Read More]

Will You Call My Name

2 1/2 years ago Pickles approached me with an idea to start a second limited run AO in Carpex. I was months behind on my membership dues but Pickles promised that he could “fix it” with the Leadership if I became a co-Site Q and started paying him directly in unmarked $10s and $20s (privilege of him being the Dues Collector, I guess). At first, I was worried. I was fairly new to F3 and unlike Mama’s Boy people actually liked me after their first post with me. [Read More]

YHC is not above Qing for free stuff.

Free coffee cup indeed, but no coffee. Well for the second week in a row, PBX pre-blasted that The Green Mile needed a Q and whoever took the reigns would be the proud owner of a brand new F3 stainless steal coffee mug! Well, YHC loves coffee. And free stuff, so even though I’m tapering for the TRM next Saturday, I figured a little 90 minute bootcamp wouldn’t hurt anything. [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You: Light Side vs Dark Side Challenge

Disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. (This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th CARPEX Light Side vs. Dark Side Challenge It is uneasy times in galaxy. The Galactic Republic is a memory and the Empire has taken its hold over everything. Emperor Palpatine has charged Darth Vader to send a team of Imperial Stormtroopers to collect Kyber crystals that were stolen by Bounty Hunters and that have been lost on the plant Endor. [Read More]

Green wave at FOD...

Great morning at FOD – always a good crowd and fun men to be with! But holy crap the site-q’s are doing a terrible job keeping the pollen down…. couple of times it was tough to get the cadence out with a headfull of green dust. That however, did not slow down this fine crew of men! Here’s what happened according to my recollection… gather at the flag (someone mentioned it’s a bit short, but that’s not everything in life, right? [Read More]

Records are meant to be broken

As YHC has not attending a workout at Claymore more than a handful of times, he along with One Direction forgot its a 5:45 start. That being said a few warm up laps around parking lot killed the extra time. Beginning at 5:45, I a call for FNGS was made with no reply. With no flag in site.. we mozy’d pickle as then a site-q arrived with a flag. Stopped for pledge and then continued to other parking lot for warmups [Read More]


Every year on the Ides of March, YHC has the distinct honor to celebrate the anniversary of his first F3 post. Today on the 6th installment I was honored once again to do so with my F3 Carpex brothers. We gathered outside the open gates* of Apex Community Park, home of A-Team, and noted the peak spring gloom, having endured a full 26 hours of Daylight Savings Time. 3/4ths of the ShieldRuck was on hand, one in a Cubs jersey #oversight. [Read More]

Run, Pull-ups, and Burpees

Mosey around school. Warmup 5 pull ups, run to Louis Stephens, repeat x 10 Louis Stephens, run to Heritage Pines Drive, 5 double Merkin burpees at each light pole. 5 man geese run back to the flag. 5 pull ups, run to Louis Stephens, repeat x 10 Mosey to shelter for Mary, heels to heaven x 20 ic, heel touches x 30 ic, lbc x 40 ic. Mosey back to flag. [Read More]

BO Birthday Q - Downtown Tour

Warm up at the bank: 10 side straddle hops 10 daisy pickers 10 good mornings 6 merkins 10 count right/left Calf stretch 10 mountain climbers 6 merkins Thang 1: Mosey down Academy stopping at each intersection. 10 sumo squats 10 lung squats 10 jump squats 6 monkey humpers (towards the Maserati parked on the street) 10 wide arm merkins 10 derkins 10 irkins 6 diamond merkins Thang 2: Mosey to Garage [Read More]

Impromptu Q

YHC was a bit groggy rolling into Claymore, looking forward to a thorough Riptide beatdown to wake up. Site Q fail right off the bat, as Frisco had to abruptly leave town to deal with family health issues and YHC had not acquired the shovel flag. Nonetheless, the PAX all stood in a loose circle looking expectantly for Riptide’s signature truck to come rolling in. Quick look at the Steve shows that it’s 5:45 and everyone is expectantly looking at YHC. [Read More]