It’s Raining Men—Blame Parker

So a few weeks back there was a pop-up FIA/F3 AO for Valentine’s Day c/o: Red Ryder and his M. It was a pleasant surprise since the standard orders I have from Shut In (and Parker, and Red Ryder, and Smokey, and Snots, and even a few guys that aren’t married) are: “Frisco, you don’t talk to my wife, you don’t look at my wife, you don’t even breathe the same air. [Read More]

1983 GMC Vandura

The AO A-Team has special place in YHCs heart. After all, it was where my first post was in July of 2016 with Banjo as the QIC. That particular day we had 18 men, and all but two are still Carpex regulars. In fact, four of those guys were there today: Banjo, Compound W, Michelob, and Shut-In. YHC rolled up with about 4 minutes to spare. Holy Schnikies!, nowhere to hardly park. [Read More]

Snow Day Bells

I hurt my right foot a few weeks ago, and not wanting to twist it up on the ice I decided to bring the bells back to Dante’s Peak. Showed up and one of the new Site-Q’s said his completely dry driveway was completely impassible. Warm-Up Quick jog around the lower parking lot, and almost slipped a few times so decided there be minimal running for the rest of the Q. [Read More]

6 Years of F3: Motivation to Pick Up the 6 at Whiplash

6 pax for 3.5 mile EC run (Banana Seat, Banjo, Manram, Michelob, Midget for Life, Slater, Wonderbread) + 2 for EC to bridge and pull-ups (Chanticleer and Soul Glo) M.E., PUT6 with 19 pax for 13 stops over 5.5 miles (Strava Flyby) Warmup SSH, burpees, Imperial Walker, Good AM: After a ton of SSH, everyone was thankful for Regal Beagle arriving late, 10 penalty burpees at stop #1. Plank, pigeon, Windmill, Pigeon stretch Plank, Squats 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans left, 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans right 10 burpees, 2x # 5 above. [Read More]

Three Years

I’ve been in F3 for almost as long as I’ve been a dad! That percentage of time will just keep growing, mehopes. Here’s a look back at the last three V-days with F3-JP: 2019 2018 2017 (best I could do. Raleigh’s only written 3 BBs this year, as an indication) FNG Check - Mission and Disclaimer - Follow Me! Simple plan today: Find the Black Creek Greenway and head north. We’ll stop along the way for decreasing sets of Merkins and Squats (with one set of LBCs in there while the Nan’tan confirmed that our 6 was actually bruising). [Read More]

Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. [Read More]

Lexicon P, Q, R

16 PAX for a rainy day workout. Some for a run while some had to endure Lexicon P, Q, R. Welcome FNG Daniel - now called Shrubbery. Pledge Prisoner Indian Ran to lower parking lot. Warmup 10 Peter Parker 10 Plank Jacks 10 Prisoner Squat 10 Randys 10 Red Bull Smurf Jack Thang 1 Quadraphilia - 2 light poles backwards, 5 Prisoner Squats, 1 light pole forward, 5 Red Bull Smurf Jacks, Repeato Thang 2 [Read More]

Your 2020 Dante's Peak Logo Contest Winner!

^ It’s the contest nobody knew existed… whipped this baby up in PowerPoint, Word Art and all… BOOM! Heavy rain the night before left the entire area quite damp. YHC had planned to work around the pond for the beatdown so when I arrived Torpedo and I ran back to make sure it wasn’t underwater. It wasn’t! We did find a good half a dozen HIMs on the pull up bars and joined in for some of the fun. [Read More]

Moist mosey merkins

Don’t google that… It’s raining, quite a bit, but the 3rd core principle is outside, rain or shine, heat or cold. 10 head out for a bootcamp and 1 for a mother ruck. Warm-up: Leave the lot and head to the front of the school only to do warm-ups right next to the covered walk way. Thank you, Shutty. GM, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Phelps and Overhead clap The Thang: [Read More]

The Great Triumphant Return of Napster, and other February Birthday (not mine) Shenanigans

Does anyone really know how many PAX post at the original weekly convergence known as Shaken Not Stirred? Or is it Vesper? Or is it Insomnia? All YHC knows is you pull into that parking lot off of Maury O’Dell drive, and there are likely to be cars and PAX scattered about. With the rapid growth of Carpex, there was some concern that opening new Wednesday sites could detract from the nostalgic allure of SNS. [Read More]