Full Court Press

30 Men took the hill this morning at SNT 11 of those men choose to Vesper. Two different groups one ran 4 and the other ran 5 today. The ones who went to shaking not stirred got some full court pressure in honor of march madness. High tempo GO workout. Warm up Run to the parking lot 15 x SSH 15 x Good morning 15 x frankensteins 15 x Merkins [Read More]

Insomnia, Vesper 4, and 5

Insomnia: Callahan, Flip Flop, Hermes, LargeMouth, Open Out, Shut In, YHC Vesper 4: Riptide Q +many (to be added) Vesper 5: CK, Hotspot, Michelob, PBX, YHC 7 for Insomnia! Callahan, Hermes, Open Out, Shut In, LargeMouth, Flip Flop, YHC. Large and Flip ran and chatted away while the rest of us brought up the 3 and the 6. Covered 4+ miles in 8:38 overall pace, nice work all. 5 (plus one) for Vesper 5 route today. [Read More]

Monday 3/20/17

Warm up - 2 laps around the circle SSH x 20 ,Good morning x 10, Imperial walker x 20 Mountain climbers - merkins x20 - plank hold 10 burpees 1 lap around the circle Rock pile - Mary? LBC x 20, American Hammer x20, 6 inch leg hold Shoulder press - 10 merkins ,curls - 10 merkins,Triceps extension - 10 merkins - Repeato no merkins 2nd time 9 Burpees Pseudo indian run to the front parking lot by the gate, groups of 4, broken up into fast and slow groups. [Read More]

up, Up, UP!!!

A cold, wet day scared away most of the PAX but 10 hearty souls joined me for an early morning beatdown. As one of the tenants say, rain or shine, cold or hot, you will post to a workout. I briefly thought about shelter work today but, nah, we will warm-up on the running and workout I had planned (mostly). Run over to the curb and start with some quick feet to get the blood going then head-off into the gloom (watch out for Lake Ma Bell Nature Boy! [Read More]