Agility City

A perfect Wednesday morning for a Shakin-not-Stirred workout: temps in upper 50’s and mild+ humidity. There were a lot of F3 men milling about the shovel flag by 5:40 a.m., many of which were covered in sweat after the 5:05 a.m. F3 Insomnia run. By 5:44 a.m., men had split up into Vesper running group and the classic SNS bootcamp group. There was a singular flip flop that someone tossed in the center circle of the classic SNS bootcamp group, then I stepped into the middle which added another singular Flip Flop in the center circle. [Read More]

May the Murph Be With You

The second week of Bounty Hunters kicked off with 19 strong, including 1 FNG. As Water Wings fumbled his way through Open Out’s half made flag YHC fumbled through the disclaimer. 0545 and some change and we were off to the American flag for the warmup. Before warming up we took in a moment of silence to reflect/pray for our government, military, and freedoms to kick off National Prayer Day. This was then followed up by the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Going Down...

A couple things you should know before I start telling you about the workout. I completed the workout with my M and she approved. Also, I am a fan of christian rap and had this song in my head when planning the work out: Link (Lecrae (ft. Trip Lee & Swoope) - Falling Down) WARM UP Fast feet and lines - find a line, 10 secs on, 10 sec rest for 4 mins. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

Field of Streams

9 of Cary/Apex’s most committed men and 1 guy who had signed up to Q made their way to Field of Dreams on this wet morning. Given the 48 hour downpour, YHC had to leave a bit earlier than usual this morning in fear of literally coming on 2 wheels. YHC strongly considered a morning of splashing on the turf but for the sake of the town of Cary and possibly a bit of mercy on my brothers, a sheltered morning was prepared. [Read More]

BO's 4/20 VQ

WAKE N’ BAKE 🏻Warm ups: 15 - Good mornings 15 - low slow flutter 20 (10 each side) - Annie’s 25 - Freddy Mercury’s 🏻 Run back to big church parking lot 🏻The Thang Partner 1 AMRAPs while Partner 2 Runs around the parking lot (W.A.K.E.) W - WWII A - American hammers K - Knerkins E - E2Ks 🏻N - ‘Ndian run (groups of 4) behind the school into the parking lot. [Read More]

Hitting the ground running

First time over at the fairly newly minted Kryptonite and decided to see what all of the fuss was about. Stallions that’s what. These hombres want miles, speed and whatever you can throw at them. Varsity team need only apply….non of that Thursday night JV stuff, no sir. That being said, YHC didn’t want to bring down the mean, especially after having spent all weekend with Denali at Y Guides Spring Outing. [Read More]

Guns, Bras, Rocks, Johnny Cash

The threat of rain didn’t keep too many away today. Parking lot filled and at 5:45 sharp (or thereabouts since YHC didnt have a timepiece today) we were off towards the front entrance of the park. Tight pax running 2x2 on the sidewalk headed up the High House hill to the 2nd entrance where we circled up for warm up. GM x20, IW x20, SSH x20, Sir Fazio - 10 each way [Read More]

Celebrating in Style

First thing, TClaps to Shutty for nailing the COMZ Q and restoring my access to Can any older gents tell me if forgetting passwords at 38 is normal? I will keep it brief today, a welcome relief, I know. Anyway, before we can even make all the good mornings, the shovel flag (poorly planted as it was) falls over and we’re due some penalty burpees. For the ACTUAL workout, short story is, today is the 38th celebration of my birth. [Read More]

Beat the Funk

YHC has to attest that he went to bed not knowing how the morning would roll. Coming off a week long work-vacation where he had no time for rest (the 3 year construction project will not end), YHC was broken and tired, add in there just in a bad mood. At 5:30am we were off with little shared by YHC, the only thing in the back of his mind was to beat the funk out! [Read More]