Dadgum Construction

5 pax met up for another round of beatdown in DTC led by yours truly. Weather was hot, but certainly not unbearable at all. Even got to feel some nice breezes to boot. YHC had a plan together with some tempo that would work us and get some good sweat on. Only to find out at the start of the warm up that Town of Cary had some kind of something going on involving, among other things, a giant piece of plastic blocking the path of the first thang that was to take place. [Read More]

100' from the pool and still drenched

The NC summer is officially here. How does one know? When you’re driving to an AO at 4:43 AM and your wipers are going but it’s not actually raining… it’s humid. And hot. And it was both of those today. [Editor’s note: as I was working on this BB, YHC noted that Cauliflower posted an eerily similar BB at the same time. You can read his masterpiece here:] EC: Called an EC run. [Read More]

Snip'n with Disaster

Twenty PAX (I missed a few names above…) made it out to FWD for a VQ to be remembered. As a recent graduate of HQS (Hermes Q School), I felt mentally and emotionally prepared for the twists and turns that could spring upon a Q on a Tuesday morning in the FWD gloom. Kicked it off on-time with the Pledge and off we went. Class Picture Warm up Jog the hill up and around to the Lowes Food parking lot: [Read More]

Time May Change Kryptonite, but you can't change Kryptonite

Oofta and YHC were especially amped for Kryptonite today, because we were the lucky two who get to take the SiteQ responsibilities for the next…ummm, how long is it? Denali and Wonderbread conveniently left that part out. The EC was on, because, well, who doesn’t want to run with the Beige Bros before a 3 mile minimum high tempo workout. We rolled back in to the launch lot with maybe 12 seconds to spare, the PAX gathered, no FNGs, we said the pledge and off we went…. [Read More]

Are we still writing backblasts?

Hello, and welcome to Fastest Friday AO in Carpex! The site that never shut down. Where mileage records are set and asterisks are badges of honor. YHC put forth his best marketing campaign he could to reQruit our native #beardedmillennial but with the Covid15 around his waste, Fortnight at his fingers, and a warm and dry fartsack YHC received word this morning at 0830 he “didn’t hear the alarms.” And he’s “sorry man”. [Read More]

Under The Wire

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. [Read More]

Dr. Dre makes ya feel alright

#COVID19 is now officially in full hysteria mode. I mean that in the “uncontrolled” and not “exaggerated” sense of the term since who knows if the hysteria is warranted or not. But considering that the NBA just suspended their season… and travel from Europe into the US is blocked… and America’s Dad (or whatever we are calling Tom Hanks nowadays) is not in quarantine in Australia as a result of COVID… well, the shite has gotten real. [Read More]

F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]

Friend Groups of 3

Glorious weather, 15 strong, renege on request for headlamps and we are off Warm up mozy around the parking lot followed by SSH, GM, Hillbillies and Mountain Climbers Full House arrives a Full 2 minutes late. Penalty burpee for each minute. Now we are 16 Run to stoplight at the corner of the lake and note your finishing spot. Groups of 3 based on pace become your Friend Group for the remainder of the workout. [Read More]

The Island Hopping Switchahoo

Wahoo got a little over zealous training for the BRR and hurt his foot. He asked that I swap Q’s for Point Break with him (3/4 for 3/11). Since it was about time to shave my winter beard, I decided there was no need to update the Q sheet. I borrowed Wahoo’s shirt with “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos” on it and showed up. I really liked a rock suicide workout that Term Paper did a few weeks ago. [Read More]