Khufu and Cholula

Jan 2, 2018 FWD 12 Inuit trekked the frozen 14°F Southern Tundra of FWD. No prostitutes. No beheadings, No FNGsAspartame, Banjo, Callahan, Chanticler, Hermès, Joe Smith, Kyrie, Oofta, Shut in, Smokey, Term Paper, Whirlie, 11 pax, yes 11, headed off to the office Park parking lot to warm up: SSH, Imperial Walker, mountain climber, Merkins. The pax welcome Callahan. Mosey to top of hill at Cary Health and Rehab (35.7437117,-78.7652742). With firm frozen ground, pax embarked on their first pyramid. [Read More]

2017 in Review

Pre-BB We absolutely blew up GroupMe on its last official day in action when YHC asked the PAX to share what, in each HIM’s opinion, was the biggest event of 2017. Hilarity ensued. PAX eschewed work and risked loss of employment to contribute. It was all worth it, guys…IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! BB ‘Twas the last workout of the year and all through Bond Park, 20 warriors went a-running through the cold and the dark. [Read More]

After Christmas Recovery

A group of 13 HIMs arrived at FOD for some after Christmas recovery. Crimson and YHC decided that by signing up to Q the day after Christmas was the best way to ensure we’d be up early. We had expected 8 HIMs at most but we’re presently surprised by a strong showing! At 5:45 plus a few seconds (we gave a few seconds to allow Grinch to join us) we were off towards the top parking lot for: [Read More]

96 Miles to Bethlehem

Fifteen HIM gathered today for a warm winter morning beat down at Phoenix. Some of you may have heard or participated in the Walk to Bethlehem challenge put out by Ma Bell and Term Paper to accumulate 96 miles (the estimated distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem) in any activity over the 21 days of Advent. As a tribute to the 96 miles that Joseph and Mary traversed, today we focused on the number 96 and the Christmas story. [Read More]

MINI Death Star - SNS

Twas a gloomy morning with rain in sight. 50 degrees. Cloudy YHC had just finished the EC Insomnia run with Flip Flop and Shut-IN. Flipper shared words of concern to the Q, as running insomnia sometimes causes loss of memory for the later workout. Words from a HIM were accepted and we moved on. Shouts of “1Min” occurred, although it did not seem to phase the hungry PAXs as the MC continued. [Read More]

Handful of Coconuts

13 PAX got to experience YHCs best MaBell Special with a touch of Kryptonite. Merkins & Coconuts for all! Warmup Short run across the street to the parking lot, mix in some Karaoke along the way. Merkins, Hillbillys, Imperial Walkers, Good Morning, More Merkins Thang 1: Grab a Coconut for shoulder/back work Plank Position, Coconut wing raises x10IC right/left/front right/front left Run in between sets at APEX of the run varying merkins offset/diamond/wide/standard Run back for COT Thang 2: ThunderBurpees [Read More]

+3 mi Closer to Bethlehem @ SNS

12/6/2017 Warm Up 23 PAX took off for SNS while 6 departed for Vesper. Mosey to the intersection for a selection of SSH, Imperial Walkers, slow/fast high knees to warm up the legs. Thang 1: Community Center Parking lot Count off into three groups for No-Man-Left-Behind Burpee 100. Group 1 starts doing burpees at stop sign entering parking lot. Count burpees as a group, slowest count is the group count. Group 2 starts at the rock pile/wall doing Balls to the Wall. [Read More]

It's cold, but it's no Reykjavik!

YHC was truly impressed with all the CARPex crazies talking EC last night on the MC Groupme channel. Between Insomnia, EC Ruck, OTB in South Wake and Pittsboro — and a Tortoise Challenge from @f3earhart — was anyone going to Post at the Utopia that is the unofficial Wednesday CARPex convergence? As @flipflopcarpex and YHC rolled into the parking lot, the answered seemed to be “no”. Lots of dark, homogenic, exhaust-spewing vehicles but little cold breath to be seen. [Read More]

A Tortoise Leads the Hares

It’s 05:20 and I’m pulling into Regency Park wondering what have I gotten myself into? I’m a tortoise, I’m a clydesdale, I got no business posting at Kryptonite, much less Q’ing. Is this going to be a huge success, like the Titanic movie? Or a huge disaster, like the Titanic boat? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Take a left on Regency and mosey down to the parking lot on the left, circle up for side straddle hops, then find some curb for quick feet, curb plank jacks, curb mountain climbers and curb merkens. [Read More]

Shutty 5K

Let’s give credit where credit is due. I did not get a chance to write this up yet but here’s our Flyby! About 2.5 miles in there was chatter about whether or not we were running a 5K. So we did. Warmup - Run around the greenway Thang: Mile 1. Shelter work with a lap, rinse repeat x 3 Mile 2. Shelter work Lazy 11s (top shelter) Mile 3. Light pole work and the last . [Read More]