Team FOD

21 Pax dodged the rain and puddles to post at Field of Dreams this morning. YHC used to be a FOD regular. YHC even started the FOD Twitter handle, that’s how tight they were! Then more sites joined Tuesdays… Then a kitchen remodel relocated the family to far east borders of Cary… And just like that YHC’s regularity vanished… Franklin even sent his thugs, Nature Boy and Badlands to YHC’s house to repo his #TeamFOD shirt! [Read More]

We was a runnnnning

Monday Morning. Little bitty stingy rain. 5:30 announcement. Introduced myself, gave the disclaimer and we are off. Headed down the path to the amphitheater, and a quick HALT. Place is a flooded. Nothing like 20 seconds in and calling an audible. Turn around and head out to the main road and take alternate path to the Theater. After dodging puddles, uneven ground, and no entry signs we made our way in front of the stage. [Read More]

Here we go again

After an already fun-filled week (BroGa, evening yog, #ruckTheMaynard), a stroke of good fortune allowed YHC to Q at Slippery When Wet on his birthday. 13 hearty PAX turned out to help me get started on my 44th trip around the sun. Plenty of #InvisibleShirts in the mix for the EC runners, and a fair bit of gloom to start us off. With the 1975 playlist in full swing, we did an awkward pickle run and circled up for. [Read More]

8/8/18 Maynard

> View the Strava Flyby We ran out of the parking lot, Right on High House Left on Maynard Stopped for refreshments at the water tower (TY4YL Hermes) Left on High House Left in the park back to the flag. 10.7 Miles NMS: Build-a-Bear did the Maynard CCW AND the beatdown!? We didn’t lose anyone although it was close Sky Blue found a shortcut It was humid (believe it or not! [Read More]

FWD Backblast

YHC (anonymous) wants to track his workouts so he’s posting this backblast in order to mark that he was there. QIC doesn’t write backblasts for some reason. Run to office park we go to when it rains Warmup Partner up - P1 run around the building, P2 bear crawl 15/merkin 5 around the fountain - flapjack x 3 or 4 times. In parking garage lunge walk P1 / 6" leg hold P2 Run back to parking lot Mary stuff NMS: 1 pax is missing, sorry! [Read More]

We're not bringin' Sexy Back

Music starts at precisely 540 with Enter Sandman to get the PAX pumped to work hard. 27 strong and we are off about 20 seconds early. Mozy meander through some trails until we get to a good warm up spot. Warm Up Merkins x 20 IC SSH x 15 GM x 10 5 burpees OYO The Thangs 4 groups-ish for a cluster Indian Run to the pickle Partner up for laps around the pickle. [Read More]

Thank You For Your Leadership

Sometimes jokes get out of hand. Like the way we all say “Thank you for your leadership” whether we’re being sincere or being silly. It was all grins and giggles until Hello Kitty announced that he was going to be on the radio taking part in a serious discussion about school choice in this great state of ours. Shut-in just had to say it. “If you fit in a TYFYL I’ll give you 100 burpees. [Read More]

This anniversary beatdown brought to you by the number 11

Today is my 1-Year F3 Anniversary!!!! First post was a year ago today at Flirtin’ with Disaster. Funny story about that…… Blue Water EH’d me, but due to a mix-up, I posted in Carpex and he posted in South Wake. Joe Smith was was the Q that morning. It was his VQ, and I learned who “Dora” is, and how to get to the “Bridge of Pain.” Sosa and I were both named after COT. [Read More]

5 Burbees OYO

Pre-Blast 13 lean mean running machines convened at Kryptonite for a sweatier-then-normal high tempo jaunt through the darker-every-day gloom that enveloped CarPex’s exclusive AO designed to push even the most elite athletes to grow stronger by challenging themselves and one another to go further and faster than they ever have or thought they could because they had inadvertently placed self-imposed limits that God wants for them to break. The Warmup [Read More]