The Dutch Skater

The call went out the night before for an EC run at 0500 and the following HIM showed up: Michelob, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Snots, Sub and YHC. Four miles later and with just 1 minute to spare before the bell rang at 0530, YHC asked for FNGs, heard no response and Moseyed to the other side of the school. On the way we enjoyed some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke. [Read More]

It's all circles

Q swap week took YHC to where it all started back in September of 2017…Thunder. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was EH’d by M4L and the beatdown was brought to us by Butt Joint. Thank you men for re-igniting that fire (see below.) **Warm-Up **Circle Up. Good Evenings, Windmill, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Clap, [10 penalty burpees for Sea Horse from Wilmington, who we found out later came directly from the airport for the workout #sorrynotsorry] Overhead Clap, Morroccan Night Club, Steve Earle, Mnt. [Read More]

I Thought Disney Was Warmer

Day 4 of #QSwapWeek had YHC and Yoga Mat repping the squad…..with no Carpex flag. Whoops… Lots of guys showed up for this one. We can recount them in the blurry picture to be sure. Warmup - Yoga kicked things off with a warmup that by the end felt more like a beatdown! Merkins and shoulder work. The Thang Run to the big giant parking lot one would typically only find in Orlando pulling up to the most magical place on earth. [Read More]

Carpex Challenge 2018 is in the Books

Congrats to the 36 that participated in this year’s challenge. In the end, very few completed all 3 Fs, and in fact, not many were able to post at every AO in 2018. Perhaps I made it too difficult this year, or maybe I didn’t do a good enough job marketing the challenge. But I think it’s more likely a statement of our growth. In the end, it was successful, because I know that it made some number of PAX push themselves a bit more and get out of their comfort zone. [Read More]

And I Thought No One Was Coming

YHC forgot this was the 4 year anniversary of Shut-In (1/5/15 officially) so last week finding an empty Q slot at HBs was perfect! YHC and The Joker did some ECPs while we waited for pax to show. I thought no one was coming but at 0525 the parade of headlights flooded the park. 15 pax were up and ready to go at 0530 for the disclaimer and pledge. Pax # 16 joined us after our loop around the pickle for warmup. [Read More]

New Year, new SNS

After a rousing start to 2019 at the 1/1 convergence, it was great to see 32 more PAX lined up to continue getting after it in ‘19. No FNGs, you all know how this works, so let’s go.Quick turn at the end of Billy Run Road back to the parking lot, circle up: SSH x20 IW x19 Standard merkin x20 Mountain climber x19 Thang Count off by threes and mosey to. [Read More]

Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it. Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late). [Read More]

12 Days - Tour Style

Small crowd post Christmas gathered in the launch area, one FNG, disclaimer given and we are off for a mozy through Bond Park, stopping occasionally to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas as a group. Warmup 15 SSH (whoops) 12 Hillbillies 12 Good Mornings 12 Merkins 12 Mountain Climbers Thang 1st Day – Mozy 2nd Day – Burpees 3rd Day – WW2 4th Day – Diamond Merkins 5th Day – LR Lunges [Read More]

Q What You Hate

This Christmas Eve morning beatdown and 2ndF that followed was one of the most enjoyable mornings YHC has had over the past (almost) 4 years! Must be the advent season! After a shoutout by Disco Duck on Slack, YHC went to work planning this beatdown (circa 1930 the night before). 23 Pax in all. Lots came stampeding in from the EC run. YHC had no gloves (because YHC was planning to fartsack being out in Durham at his father in law’s for Christmas) [Read More]

Time trials and tribulations

Yoooooooooo!!! 14 showed up for some high-tempo action and 4 to grab a bruisers beatdown. YHC was set out to prove that you don’t have to go far to go fast. And we’re back… Warm-up: Run around the well-lit school grounds and circle up for SSH, Arm Circles and Overhead Clap Find some curb for QF, CM, MC x3 The Thang: Make our way across the street to the tennis park lots Get a partner with 10 min on the clock for AMRAP Burpees and Pickle Running When done we found that curb again for the QF, CM, MC trifecta Make the move back across the street and find another well-lit lot. [Read More]