Bartmanniversary IV

23 PAX turned out this fine morning to help YHC celebrate four years of gloom. That’s right, this week marks 48 months of getting after it, and it’s as if A-Team hasn’t changed a bit. PAX in the low 20’s, rain more often than it should, and a bunch of go-getters ready to hit it. A 2-mile EC led by Disco was the perfect apertif. Mosey to the front parking lot and circle up. [Read More]

For Which It Stands

No shovel flag this morning, but there was a flag draped over a tree limb, so we pledged allegiance to it and then we were off. Warm-Up Mosey almost all the way around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios (all in perfect cadence) and then Nature Boy led us in the loudest Good Mornings ever. The Thang Mosey out of the park, take a right and head over to the office park next door. [Read More]

I don't need to 'splain myself

I see what you’re trying to do, Cally, and I don’t need to explain the burpee hill race. My crew DOMINATED IT. It sucked, yes. But we did it because: The Q said to do it and you do what the Q says. Good leadership I guess. It sucked. Usually things that suck are hard. We wanted to better ourselves. Back in Black is better than BO. (Don’t ask Term Paper or Jiggly Puff though) The Burpee Hill Race: [Read More]

Catch the Maynard if you can

The idea was to run a loop and on said loop catch the Maynard crew as they were hitting the Chatam and Maynard intersection, specifically catch the VQ Maynard running Liverpool. Nine set out, two a little quicker than the rest (respect to Large and Hi-Liter). The route was all the way down High House, right on Chatam, right on Maynard and a left on High House to get home. [Read More]

Fellowship Light Poles w/ Some WW2s

One year ago I showed up at Full Metal Jacket not knowing what to expect. Callahan was the Q that memorable day and the first exercise was a partner-carry with Freebird. There was running on the baseball field, BTTW, and bear crawl 7s on a hill. I never thought I’d last another beatdown, let along a full year. In an effort to make a memorable year anniversary Q, here we go… [Read More]

2nd Annual Bacon Run

With the Tobacco Road Half and Full Marathon approaching, the pax joined for what has quickly become an annual tradition… well at least for this second year in-a-row… a long ATT run followed by top-notch fellowship in the parking lot centered around the all-time champion of breakfast meats, BACON. Distances varied between 5-16 (based on YHC’s count), with the majority of pax locking in on that 10-mile distance. Dang near purrfect with the race coming up in 10 days. [Read More]

The weirdest workout I have been to so far

"The weirdest workout I have been to so far" - Biner Today 15 HIM's took their DRP and posted at Gran Torino.  YHC showed up hearing grumbles about "will he even show" despite being 5 minutes early.  This is Carpex after all, we pre-funk every workout unless you are doing EC. Starting off the workout with 3 minutes to reinstate the mission, do the pledge of allegiance, and making sure disclaimers were said, it was obvious they PAX were doubting the beatdown would live up to the High Tempo workout they showed up for. [Read More]

"I am rather inclined to silence" Abraham Lincoln

28 HIMs showed up for my VQ and TCLAPS to Liverpool for the EC run (Hoping if I tired him out enough he would limit the MC he promised to deliver. Today I learned never to underestimate that man and his ability to talk) 0530 hit, disclaimer and we recited the pledge. Checked my weinke and it said mosey so we did. Warm-Up Ran the path along the railroad tracks - stopped at the batting cages and 5 burpees OYO - remember the batting cages [Read More]

Figured 8

Insomnia #TheStandard, the original, the ever popular Insomnia kicked off the morning. There was even an FNG, EH’d by our bro Flacco. Due to his first post being Insomnia Callahan (the amazing Site Q) hit him with the disclaimer and we were off for a reverse Davis Drive loop…come to Insomnia to learn what that route is. Insomnia Runners: Callahan, Chinese Downhill, FNG, Flacco, Ollie, Shut-In “THE SIX” also ran their own Thang. [Read More]

Merkins, Merkins, Merkins, and more Merkins

Yesterday evening I was perusing the weather forecast, workout options and Q-sheets….ok, yes, I was Q-Shopping a bit. About that time, Yoga Mat posted that Bluewater would be running the show here at FWD in the morning and I immediately decided…THAT is where I’m going!!! Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Bluewater advising he would not be able to make it and asking if I would fill in for him. [Read More]