
11 pax came for the beatdown. 4 for the first time to Claymore. 1 site Q was there (Frisco was not the one.) TCLAPS for Earhart making his way back out after a scare with his digestive system (and praises!) Sometimes you plan a workout and then you get to the site and realize there are 2-3 more tennis courts than you thought there were. Oops! I intended to keeps our bodies moving for 45 mins, and we did, but in doing so maybe we did too many miles. [Read More]

Feels Like 100

Oh, Rush Hour in the summer, how wonderful you are. YHC had an over/under of 4 pax for this hot one. Weather.com said it was 92 but “feels like 100”. FIVE WERE THERE, BOOM! A good little crowd makes for a solid fellowship of a beatdown. YHC didn’t know how much of the sweat was the heat and how much was because it was a hard workout. We’ll never know…but here’s what we did. [Read More]

Shawn's Bullpen

Got word that the Lowther (aka Chanticleer) Household was experiencing some sicknesses so I was ready to answer the call. Thursday 7 PM it was official, I would be running the show at GT. You know, I am the 3rd-wheel site Q there. And it has been a long time since I have Q’d, so it was meant to be. 13 gathered, 2 had on backpacks, one drove a 15 passenger van, and all where hoping to see Chanticleer. [Read More]

You broke your cherry

It truly was a glorious morning at Bradford’s Ordinary…until my Co-Q decided to throw me into the fire. Having gone to Q School on Sunday, and living by the Boy Scout motto of semper paratus, I planned out what was supposed to be my portion of the workout - disclaimer, warm up, and Mary/COT. I even communicated my plans to my Co-Q for confirmation. I practiced my exercises and cadence calls with my 2. [Read More]

Q-School: Exam Day

It was a good day for a VQ, thanks to the perfect mix of humidity, heckling, helpful encouragement, and reminders from Shut-In that the things he brought up in Q school were better applied than remembered. Despite lots of “you’re starting at SNS?” questions we’re off. Mosey in the unusual direction from the flag, getting started at the ropes course parking lot. After a brief attempt to keep up appearances by suggesting that Build-a-Bear was passing the test in observing my counting woes, we found the correct combination of pauses and cadences to get going. [Read More]

The Number 34

Sunday was YHC’s 34th Birthday so to celebrate I took the helm for the first time here at FWD! For the second time Qing in Carpex an FNG showed up. Are my workouts too easy? Welcome FNG “The Decision”. **Warm Up **Mosey around the pickle over by the playground and circle up for the following: Hillbillies Windmills Arm Stretches Standard Merkins OMD x34 **Thang One **Mosey halfway to bridge pausing for pickle pounders [Read More]

Lots of Thangs to Do

15 pax looked to start off their Friday with a pep in their step. YHC was looking to push us this morning and keep the pax moving through LOTS of Thangs! Callahan and his dumb online poll showed up. Glad to have him out there. 15 pax in all. We ran the bus loops. We circled to the basektball courts We ran the field hills with wall climbers We ran to the shelter We did shelter work We ran a gym lap with playground exercises We did a lot of thangs. [Read More]

Fun times at Gran Torino and containing the FNG Outbreak

Date: 6/14 PAX: Banjo, Biner, Burt, Chinese Downhill, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Geek Squad,GTL, Hi-Liter, Largemouth, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Old Maid, FNG Outbreak, Peeping Tom, Shut In, Spit Shine, Torpedo, Two Factor, WWW I have to prepare for this Q because this AO attracts all the runners. Disappointment is out of the question but it does worry me. When you have Carpexrunning legends like Largemouth, Old Maid, Ma Bell, Hi-Liter and the soon to be up and coming you got to put together something that will challenge them. [Read More]

Modify the Modification

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Vesper Runners and Boot campers headed their separate ways. Bootcampers mosey to Community center for warm up of various exercises and good mornings led by Nature Boy. Mosey to the kiosk. Modified 11s, iffin you can call it that. 10 prom night merkins at the top, 10 dips at Sertoma, Burpees, 1…….11 each time you pass the kiosk Run to top of the Hill, around pole, prom night merkins, back to kiosk, burpees, to Sertoma and around the back end, dips, back to kiosk, and repeat. [Read More]

Get a Bowlful

Thanks to the 32 PAX who showed up for my VQ today. I think overall it well. Started with Intro/ Disclaimer… no FNG’s Pledge Follow me down to the Thales School parking lot for warm ups Warm-ups Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Merkins Thang One 2 lines and Indian Run from Thales over to the Town Hall Diamond We did a Plank Hold while we waited on the 6 While still waiting on the 6 we did a squat hold. [Read More]