Under the Bridge

Good turnout for the EC run on a Soupy Friday Morning with 8 Pax and 17 for the ME . Started with the Pledge and the Warmarama Good mornings (Chipper thought I was rushing it a bit. Not like I done hear this enough at home) Side Straddle Hop Hillbillies with Hip opener Fazio Arm Circles Squat hold and push out Knees Runners Stretch Hips – Scissors/Front/Back/Full/Circles 5 burpees on my down Mosey to Bridge on Kildaire [Read More]

Iron 2 tin ... Need of a reboot

Date: 7/16/20 AO: Tin2Iron PAX Ausfarht, Intimidator, Shipyard, Sosa, FNG 3 Finger Salute (TFS), WWW My schedule changed for 14 days which caused me to be at work no later than 0630. So, I have to leave at 0530 to get to Alamance from Cary. After no making it to the gloom those weeks other than a Saturday, I needed a reboot to get back into my normal rhythm. I got back to my normal schedule on Wednesday so I went to Tortoises to get a beatdown by way of Crimson. [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You - Almost (Chewie's VQ-ish)

Roughly a week ago YHC approached Kwik Stop and was like, “Hey Dude, want to come-up with a workout and Co-Q? at Tin2Iron?” In which the response that I heard was, “heck yeah” (or something like that…). So here we are. I woke-up at 3 a.m. with some major sciatic pain which helped me remember I forgot to charge the surround sound system for today’s beat down which still died in the middle of the workout and I had to plug the speaker into my vehicle. [Read More]

When Sargent Squatter Came to T2I

Seeing Ausfahrt you might think “Wow, that guy is so lazy, he never runs anywhere”. But while lazy may be true for his personal hygene when it comes to working out the guy is tough as nails. Some of the newer guys may not know his story. Not long ago he was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a truck (I think it was a half-ton truck, too! [Read More]

No... I said fist sized

Apologies dear Reader – it’s a short one today. It’s late and YHC is making a trek to the Land of Oz tomorrow, where everything is wonderful, taxes are high, grades are always B+ and Duke really is the devil. Churham here we go! But let’s stick with Flirtin’ for a minute. The pre-run here is no joke. About ten showed up and at 0500 we were off. And I mean like a flash. [Read More]

The Very First Time…

It was my first Q and it was 5:10. I saw headlights start streaming into the parking lot and I started feeling a bit nervous. Just recently through Hermes Q School, I knew I was prepared. Fourteen PAX and one FNG Sunshine (son of Intervention) assembled by the flag. I mumbled the disclaimer, mission and then we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Off we went with a short mosey across the street to the far end of the parking lot. [Read More]

National Donut Day!

Over the last few months, when workouts were scarce to find, typically there was always one at SWW. After posting here a handful of times, YHC felt comfortable enough with the AO to get on the Q sheet even though it’s outside of his normal stomping grounds. I pulled in with a couple minutes to spare as the EC crowd was getting toweled off and ready for the beatdown. Bagels got in his car and left so I figured he just didn’t have time to stick around for the ME. [Read More]

Snip'n with Disaster

Twenty PAX (I missed a few names above…) made it out to FWD for a VQ to be remembered. As a recent graduate of HQS (Hermes Q School), I felt mentally and emotionally prepared for the twists and turns that could spring upon a Q on a Tuesday morning in the FWD gloom. Kicked it off on-time with the Pledge and off we went. Class Picture Warm up Jog the hill up and around to the Lowes Food parking lot: [Read More]

Memorial Day Beatdown: In honor of 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte

Memorial Day is a holiday to honor this who served in the Armed Services and have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our nation and the nation’s interest worldwide. I also want to honor our first responders who also made the ultimate sacrifice. On this day we honor 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte. Lt Schulte was serving as an Intelligence Liaison whose mission is to teach our Afghan military allies to gather and interpret intelligence data/information. [Read More]

Quiver's 2nd Year Anny - Heat 2 Q-School Theme

YHC (your humble correspondent) volunteered to take the overflow Q (leader) spot to maintain property Corn Teen (redneck for quarantine) protocol for Quiver’s 2-year anniversary Q. About 6 or 7 did an EC (extra credit) run. 16 were standing around more than 6-feet apart at 0545. Quiver led a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and we split up into 2 groups: The rookies and the legends. The rookies follow me. [Read More]