Writing Workout Checks My Body Can Cash

I have been doing F3 for almost three years so how hard could it be to put together a workout? I have a sack of patio pavers looking for something to do which makes a great prop for a limited run workout. What could go wrong? Well, perhaps a 6 month hiatus from posting should have given me a clue that the workout I put together was ambitious. While I didn’t want to sit around a drum circle and share our feelings, maybe we didn’t have to do this. [Read More]

Everyone Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In the Mouth

The title of this BB is a quote from Mike Tyson and it sums up my Q experience this morning quite well. In Carpex we have contingency options for just about every fartsack excuse. Weight concerns? We have limited and no-run AOs. Injured? There are a ton of PAX willing to show up early for EC so they can walk with you during the ME for some 2nd F. M upset about something dumb you said this week? [Read More]

A nice jog and some other things 08/25/20 FWD

Does anyone else have problems Tagging names in this Wordpress? I crank through the list of pax hitting the enter key after each name and inevitably about 25%-50% are mysteriously deleted. How irritating is it that in 2020, there is not a technology available that allows someone to simply create a blog post. At least that dadgum Yosh thing is gone. I guess you get what you pay for. Alas, i think 2 were there for the EC run and 17 were there for the main event. [Read More]

Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining. It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again. But I’m getting ahead of myself. YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. [Read More]

Partner up, nevermind

I am still not sure why I signed up for the Q this morning. It sure would have been nice to sleep in. I’m sure several PAX wished I would have slept in (Deuce, you can say it, I won’t be offended). But I didn’t and we all left thankful for the opportunity to do some work and enjoy some fellowship together. Here is what went down: 6:30 - time to get rolling. [Read More]

Snip-pery When Wet

Fifteen PAX made it out Friday morning in the gloom to Slippery When Wet for a Snip-led workout. At 545 AM (and some change), we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the Conduent parking lot. Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward + Reverse, Small + Large) Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) First » DORA FLORA (DORA’s older sister) Mozy up the stairs to the parking deck, grab a partner, begin the following while running around the corner and back up the stairs: [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]

0.99 and some Wildlife Rescue

YHC arrived at Sovereign Grace church for a little ECP. No one there, except for me and 3 young raccoons stuck in a dumpster in 6 inches of standing water. First, not sure how anyone within a quarter mile could sleep with those raccoons crying as loud as they were. I put my pullups on hold a bit to investigate, and then the PAX started to arrive. Being that I like to stay on task, we continued to discuss and troubleshoot the situation during the workout. [Read More]

Modified As Necessary

YHC signed up over a week ago to Q Slippery When Wet and had my greatest Q to date, planned…then Thursday happened. A slight miscalculation on the cruiser bike sent me flying. A primarily upper body workout quickly transitioned to an all leg workout less than 15 hours from launch. Moving on….H.D. Ritter Park was open for business, the ECers came in, we get started with the disclaimer (most of it, I think) because there is an FNG present, the pledge was pledged and 19 of us took off for some new parking lots (for me, at least) on Crescent Green Drive. [Read More]

The Five Man Weave

After putting my name on the Q sheet last week I went back and forth trying to come up with a way to get the PAX moving between stations, without running, and while maintaining social distance. I settled on a three man weave, with a 2-man option if needed. As luck would have it Callahan ran a 3-man-weave Tuesday at FWD and it worked fairly well, so I thought I was good to go. [Read More]