Last Day before Hell’s Bells moves to a church parking lot

Opening – There was no FNGs this morning so ran through the pledge, grabbed our bells and off to the circle. Warm-up – SSH, daisy pickers, windmills, calf stretch, and Abe Vigodas. The Thang – circle up for 10 reps each side of overhead single arm squats, followed by 10 reps each side of plank rows, followed by 15 reps pullover to sit-up. Mosey to circle and back. Circled back up for Australian pushups, half-kneeling halos, and T-pushups. [Read More]

Eyes Up

I’m gonna be honest with you. Many Saturdays I take the opportunity to get a little extra sleep. This was a good workout week, which also means that the body is feeling a little sore by the time today rolled around. But, the opportunity to Q Phoenix was too much to pass up. So I managed to unfold myself from the fartsack and make it to Bond Park in plenty of time to get some stretching in. [Read More]

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti HI

When: 07/24/2019 Twenty five PAX gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. We had one FNG, started with the F3 disclaimer. Welcome to AUSFAHT who came back after his crash and recovery. First exercise Pledge of allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. Warm Up Performed warm-up exercises in cadence:10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Surfazio arm circles, 10 Reverse Surfazio arm circles, 10 Seal Claps, and 10 Side straddle hops. [Read More]