Dumpster Diving - F3 style

15 PAX with no FNGs. Disclaimer given regardless, although the pre-workout mumble chatter was in full force Mozy to the middle school and circle up after I recover music set up from strategic location SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Fazios, overhead claps, reverse Fazios x 12 Yogurkins x10 with a low plank hold on the last one (exercise performed with a 10 count) Thang 1 Dumpster Dive 20 each Diamond-merkins, Imperial-walkers, V-ups, Elbows-to-knees [Read More]

Midsummer's AMRAP + 1

After what looked to be a great evening of 2nd F on a Midsummer’s eve many of the PAX were operating on High Octane fuel. A fuel they would call upon about halfway through the morning as there were digging deep on an AMRAP + 1. 0520 ECP - YHC, WWW, GTL, Red Rider, Frisco continued our quest to get bigger, stronger and faster at the pull-up one repetition at a time. [Read More]

"PLAY BALL!" A Birthday Q Story

A couple of months ago YHC thought it was only right to honor the Carpex tradition of Qing on your Birthday, so I signed up for a Friday, July 6th Q at the infamous Slippery When Wet. Why is it infamous? Well, legend has it that back in the 80s Bon Jovi’s tour bus broke down as it was passing through Cary in the early morning hours. Back then, Cary was just a zygote that would later develop into the boisterous town we now know. [Read More]

Kicking off USA Birthday Week

As we come up on 241 years as a country, YHC felt it was appropriate to celebrate with a little victory lap. It’s a beautiful lake with wonderful scenery and a typically well maintained Apex trail running around it. The backblasts suggested A-Team hadn’t run a lap in quite some time (YHC found reference to one such effort in ‘16 led by a “McCants”) so here we go. Warm-up: this was sort of done on the run [Read More]

Nostalgia - Football Practice Drills

Nostalgia – Football Practice Drills On Saturday during coffeeteria after a brutal Hi-Liter led Phoenix beatdown, Build-A-Bear asks if I am going to FMJ. I stated “yes” enthusiastically. The follow-up question was, would you Q FMJ? I gladly accepted. I thought through what I wanted to do so I could make sure Build-A-Bear would get a good workout and I did not disappoint. What’s funny is no Build-A-Bear to be seen at FMJ. [Read More]

Slippery When Delirious

Hey guys. What day is it? What time is it? I’ve lost all sense of reality at this point. I awoke, I think I put on underwear, and grab what smelled like a cleanish shirt. I miss my family. I miss the fartsack. But alas, I press on. Q 8(ish) of 10(ish) awaits me at SWW and I can’t let the fellas think I’m getting beat down. Let’s get it! [Read More]

More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning. Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies. Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q! This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse. Stay Hydrated, folks! [Read More]

Flag Day Fun

June 14, 2018 – Flag Day YHC Bayonne was honored to host 19 other men (including two F3 HIMs’ sons) for his first “real Q” (not counting a last-minute stand-in for McCants at FWD 5/29) on a glorious sunny Flag Day morning in the Peak of Good Living, USA. Today’s magic number was 14, in honor of the day. Tank Top participation was mediocre, with YHC and 8 other HIM’s sporting some form of non-sleeved attire (Red Ryder and Disco Duck being among the best dressed). [Read More]

A Cool June Morning @ FMJ

When: June 12th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: GTL, Shank, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Freebird, Nerf, Worley, Rooney, My Little Pony, Snots, Wonderbread, YHC Earhart A cool, drizzly morning greets us as we make our way out of our cars and circle around the flag at FMJ. 12 PAX wander out of the gloom and are ready for an Earhart beatdown, sort of. Must have been the 5:30 start because the PAX were quiet for a change. [Read More]