
3 for EC: Disco Duck, Term Paper, and YHC Honeycomb advised his FNG would be several minutes late, so we proceeded with the Pledge of Allegiance and then off to the first parking lot to warm up. SSH, Imperial walker, good morning, cotton picker. Recover and head back to the gate to pick up Honeycomb, Disco Duck and FNG. 10 burpees and hill billys. Recover, share disclaimer, head off into the park. [Read More]

To you Paul, There is Good in Everyday

19 pax: Banjo, Butt Fumble, Callahan, Chanticleer, Commish, GTL, Honeycomb, Imp, Joe Smith, McCants, Michelob, Old Maid, Parker, Shank, Smithers, Stealth, Triple Lindy, Water Wings, miss one Mosey around to front of school to warm up, SSH, wind mills, cotton pickers, imperial walkers, 5 Burpees, calf stretch, runner stretch. Partner up. Round 1: Mosey to the playground. With your partner; P1 runs the circle to the 2nd light pole and back while P2 AMRAPs: 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 5 deep squats. [Read More]

The Unintentional GroupMe-Themed Workout

February 14, 2019 10 HIMs gathered at the finest 5:15 am Thursday AO in all of Carpex. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey to the big parking lot. Warm Up Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks, and Control Freak Merkins The Thang 7 of Diamonds - each lap around the diamond we pick a different exercise done in ascending/descending multiples of 7: First lap, 7 burpees x 4. [Read More]

My Perogative!

Date: 2/7/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Back-in-Black PAX: Hermes, FNG High Splits, Hi-Liter, Lightbrite, Swank, Theismann, Texas Ranger, WWW, Yoga Mat I was a little worried about my right knee this morning because I tweaked it posting at FMJ while doing some hill work. Even with two bum knees, I could not let the PAX down and circumsack. Lucky for me, I’m the Q and I can control the mileage. I tested it before start and the pain was not bad enough to bow out. [Read More]


Peek at Google maps + Skipping EC for Recon = An excellent plan for SWW. Term Paper didn’t let me off thaaaaat easy though! Props for that EH into a .8 mile EC to catch the EC 6. Here we go! No FNGs (but a few new faces for YHC). FOLLOW ME. Quick lap around the parking lot and weave through the basketball court to the greenway entrance lot. Circle up for: [Read More]

It works 60% of the time. Every time.

26 PAX gathered at the flag, with rumors of a mysterious FNG who was nowhere to be seen. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the heart of Apex Community Park, the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Along the way add in some butt kickers and karaoke. Circle up for a standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Steve Earles, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (3 of 19)


  • 11 HIM for the third of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at SWW.
  • 1 for EC
  • 2 for EC + EC
  • 8 for Coffee with Oofta (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run to the playground, circle up for a few GMs, SSH, Merkins.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (run out and back .5 miles).
  • Run back to the playground
  • Mary: H2M, Side Plank Star Crunches


The double Convenience Store!

I know Burt doesn’t like themed workouts so I kept my mouth quiet from the start. Warm Up - Jog to the school for the SSH, Good Mornings, and Planks Jacks. Enough of that. Large requested distance so we needed to start the Thang 7s - Merkins and Jump Squats to the light pole and back Jog to recover. 11s - Jump lunges and spiderman merkins Jog to the basketball court. [Read More]


AO: Slippery When Wet QIC: Staubach It was an honor to do my VQ with this great group of men. I am very appreciative for F3 and all that is has done for me in my life. Thanks to @bluewater for getting me out there last June. Here is my VQ backblast: It was pretty nice, about 40 degrees and a little damp. My nerves were high as I headed out for my VQ. [Read More]

The Dutch Skater

The call went out the night before for an EC run at 0500 and the following HIM showed up: Michelob, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Snots, Sub and YHC. Four miles later and with just 1 minute to spare before the bell rang at 0530, YHC asked for FNGs, heard no response and Moseyed to the other side of the school. On the way we enjoyed some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke. [Read More]