Group Legs

It was a wonderful morning at BIB. Started of with the usual warm up. Then did four corners in the parking lot. After which we ran 7 on the hills, running backwards up the hill.

The work out was group Q effort giving everyone a chance to call exercises

Come over the Hill Caroline

Preamble A couple of weeks ago Yoga Mat, the king of pre-blasts, put out the call that the FWD Q was open. Hey, why not. Well, except for the drive. But it is always good to visit the eastern regions of my former kingdom. YHC had no idea this day would come on the heels (see what I did there?) of my beloved Wolfpack’s brutal loss to the corrupt Chapel Hillians. [Read More]

Revenge Tour Kick Off

No need to get into details, but the last time YHC posted at DTP he almost left in an ambulance. Some guy probably once said “you can break my body, but you can’t break my spirit.” That guy was also probably concussed. But whatever. Let’s call it a mantra and get this revenge tour kicked off. No FNGs so we go to the Pledge. Warmup: Mosey around to the other side of the church and circle up: [Read More]

Triple D Dora

This was just the most interesting picture of Miss Dora I found on the Googles. 23 PAX showed up on a brisk Monday morning to shake off the rust from the weekend and perhaps sweat out a few toxins. YHC, along with Two Factor and Sooey, took a little 2 mile EC jaunt prior to the ME. No FNGs, somewhat of a disclaimer and mission statement, recited the pledge and we were off. [Read More]

Be The Light

Opening: YHC started at 5:30am with the standard F3 welcome - F3 Mission, Disclaimer, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance. No FNGs were present. There was an expected level of mumblechatter for VQ week. Coney showed up in his Y Guides vest - well played Running Bear! Warm-up: Moseyed north to the 1st middle school parking lot to the left and circled up for: 30 Side Straddle Hops IC 10 Good Mornings IC 15 Daisy Pickers IC 20 Imperial Walkers IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R with 10 count en espanol courtesy of Buenos Dias and delayed 10 count from Kickback who was apparently engaged in some mumblechatter. [Read More]

Fern Gully

In recent months, we’ve encountered a herd of fern people (h/t Hermes) from Lifetime Fitness exercising in our parking lot. I thought this morning, we could return the favor… Augmented rolled up with an FNG, so YHC took a crack at delivering the full disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance, mosey across the street to 8000 Regency for the warm-up. Warm-up (I humbly suggest that Carpex is in a warm-up rut, so I pulled a couple new ideas from the Exicon): [Read More]

The concrete doesn't actually obliterate your hands

Many of you know that I sometimes go lift after F3. I learned several months ago that doing an EC Run, posting for a beatdown, and then going to the gym usually just leads to a half-assed lifting session, and I stopped doing that. Well, last night I wasn’t thinking clearly and set my alarm for the EC Run knowing I was going to lift after. So,….I really just cheated myself out for 30 minutes of sleep this morning, and I was having some fantastic dreams fishing in Alaska. [Read More]

4x4 the Cary way

Warm-up: Over to the big lot for GM, SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Merkins, Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4x4 in the corners on 5 Carolina Dry Docks 10 American Hammers 15 Ranger Merkins 20 Yogi’s favorite sit up (WWII) … four times through all dat Move the pax to the back side of Koka Booth for 10,15,20 on LRSU, dips and LBC Move the pax back to the lot for a round of AYG with some football starting positions Mary from a trio of the pax and we’re out! [Read More]

Arms are my thing! We made time for some rounds with Mike Tyson and got Thunderstruck.

Date: 6/11/19 PAX: Blue and Out, Butt Fumble, Chicken Little, Hamm, Hank Williams Jr, Honeycomb, Kid Rock, Largemouth, McCants, Mud Buddy, Parker, Red Ryder, Schlitz, Shank, Short Circuit, Slappy, Sub, Triple Lindy, Two Factor, WWW F3 admin stuff and Pledged Allegiance to Old Glory, Mosey around the pickle x2 and circle up to warm-up. Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio F&B, Air presses, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf stretches with CFMs, Thunderstruck. [Read More]

A Whippersnapper Steals the Show

YHC turned 50 on 6/7/2019, the date of this workout (yes the Backblast is late). Half a century on this fine earth and feeling all the better for it! After a truncated EC run with a few of the regulars, 26 of us circled up for the pledge and a Birthday Q. Warm-up Quick jog around the lot, then circle up for Good Morning, some Side Straddle Hops, a sloppily Q’d set of Hillbilly’s and some Michael Phelps style arm stretches. [Read More]