It was a Dark and Stormy Morning...

Pre-BB The FMJ Q-Coozies are awesome. Nice work, Shank. To be clear, though, it was NOT for the wet Coozie that YHC partnered with Pet Sounds on this unusually warm and stormy morning in the PEX. YHC enjoys the challenge - to post, let alone Q, in the monsoon conditions that were forecast promised to be a great challenge to overcome. YHC couldn’t pass up the opportunity. BB 9 mariners manned up and made waves with Pet Sounds and YHC at FMJ. [Read More]

Phoenix Rising From The Arctic

Rising from days of snow and arctic air the 20 HIM at Phoenix this morning ended their week on the lofty heights of another Carpex beatdown. Here’s how it went: Warm-up: No FNG’s so no disclaimer and we were off jogging from the starting flag up the road to the next parking lot. Then, circled up for some SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, and Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward, then backward. [Read More]

Who doesn't love Costco?

Monday. MLK Day. Roughly 20 degrees. Eager PAX huddled outside the park gates, awaiting the Q. 2 FNG’s quietly took in the MC. Disclaimer was presented and we are off. Warm Ups: Headed to the nearest parking lot on the left for warm up laps around the big pickle. 3 laps…Butt Kickers, High Knees, Mosey Roof Raises, Side Shuffles. Circled up for the traditional stretch…. Good mornings, SSH, Mountain Climbers all in perfect cadence: 15X Standard Merkins (OMD): 15X Plank Hold for a few 10 counts… The balmy morning was really hurting the PAX, not to mention it was Monday. [Read More]

Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS). With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is. Warm-up: Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye! [Read More]

Rack ‘em and Stack ‘em

Pre-BB I saw a guy merlot on Saturday doing these at Ambassador. Though it’d be fun to bring to FMJ. BB 7 sharpshooters hit the target at FMJ. The Warmup - Run up to the road and around to the elementary school parking lot for some warm up - Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSH, WG Merkins, LBCs, 1-Leg Merkins - Mixed run to the track The Thangs - Rack ‘em and Stack’em: 10 HRBurbees, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats +25 Cadence Freddie Merck’s, run a lap [Read More]

Shuttyversary Day 3: Gettin' After It

YHC and a crew of 7 hit up a little EC Phoenix run to kick the morning off. A 1 mile down / 1 mile back run. Upon return to Phoenix there was a new face amongst the crowd. Apparently 1 HIM-in-training saw YHC’s call to action on Facebook to join some men in the outdoors and the cold for a 0630 workout! Welcome FNG Butterscotch! Disclaimer was applied and we lapped the parking lot and ran out to the intersection for our #ShutInStandard Warmup. [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

Tour de Salem

Perhaps in anticipation of getting back to work…nah…getting out in the 13 degree gloom…maybe…Qing FMJ for the first time, YHC got out early and ran round and round Salem Pond to warm up, arriving right on time as the rest of the PAX arrived and…sat in their cars. Finally coaxing the little darlings from their comfy confines, it was time to go. Or close enough; it’s cold! Warm-Up Couple trips around the little parking lot, then stop at the trail head for: [Read More]

12 PAX for a MARSOC Challenge

QIC: Kyrie SWW 29 Dec 2017 “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” T Claps to you 12 HIM’s that posted this morning. This morning was tough, freakin’ cold, and certainly not comfortable. You bettered yourself today, and the sun hadn’t even come up yet. How many of your peers can say that? Highly motivated. YHC has been bitten by the Q bug since VQing FWD a few days prior. [Read More]


Pre-BB My kids love the board game, Sorry! I do too. That is all. BB 10 gamers made no apology for killing it with YHC at SNS by re-enacting a man-sized version of Sorry! The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag - Run to the Comm. Ctr., Paint the Lines - Good Morning, SSH, St. Merkins, Imperial Walkers - Schoolyard Pick ’em, two teams, Largemouth and Kyrie are captains [Read More]