Unexpected Hurdles

I’ve posted at a few other AOs, but I’ve mostly been coming out to Wolverine since I live right across the street. I’m definitely still learning the ropes and so when Pivot asked me to VQ I took the chance. I didn’t feel ready at all but I figured I’d better jump at the opportunity otherwise I’d never volunteer to do it. We had 20 PAX in attendance and there were no FNGs. [Read More]

Let's Get VQ Week Started Early

At 0545 a quick check for FNGs came up empty, which was a bummer because I had absolutely memorized the F3 mission statement. Instead I just let all of the veterans know that I really had no idea what I was doing and they should modify accordingly. On to the Pledge. Warmup: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up for 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Mosey to the back parking lot. [Read More]

Brought To You By the Letter B

Arrived early to set up shelter for this week’s Iron Pax Challenge. It happens to be exactly 30 yards long so we are good to go. 8 pax in place with one on the way and we are off. Basic Warmup Killer Bs – Repeat the following 5 times Broad jump 10 yds 10 burpees, 10 bonnie blairs, 10 big boi situps Repeat 2x more Bear crawl back Total of 150 of each exercise, including 150 yds of Bear Crawls [Read More]

DLR's Choice!

YHC got on the signup sheet for this site months ago, right when it went live! Who knew I’d get busy at work and home, and let the fitness slide a bit (a LOT). So, with a Q on the horizon, I JUMPed back on the bandwagon last week to try to get my DROP DEAD LEGS back in shape. With all the BRR prep out there, I thought it would be nice to NOT run too far today and to get in some flexibility where we could. [Read More]

What are these Bells for anyway?

YHC did something a bit unusual and decided to Q a Kettle bell workout today. This one required some prep work and I hit the ground at the newest of locations for Hells Bells and was greeted with 24 brave souls. My ride for the day (or really for most days) Nature Boy was a bit delingquent today so Earhart was really sweatting whether or not we would make it. We did - three minutes to spare - no problem. [Read More]

Two for the Price of One

YHC woke up and immediately checked the forecast. The predicted rain was GONE! 45 mins of rain, not a big deal. 90 mins of rain…a bit much. YHC also drove to the AO the day before to scout a rock pile spotted on Google Satellite (and DM’d Sub for recommended rock piles). The Google one was perfect so we were set! Upon arrival at TGM a cool breeze came as a shock. [Read More]

224: Gregorian Style

The PAX at Wolverine celebrated the 224th day of the Gregorian calendar on August 12, 2019. After a quick disclaimer and pledge, we moseyed across Davis Drive and to the middle school parking lot. Several warm-up exercises were completed, including a set of Ernie Davis Heismans (we missed you, Biner). To celebrate the 224th day of 2019, the group enjoyed a Gregorian merkin mile – 4 laps around the track, with 4 sets of 22 merkins at the conclusion of each lap. [Read More]

Bigger than I expected ...

TWSS. A sizeable group of Carpex’s finest showed up and parked along Laura Duncan. Crap. There goes the planned workout. Not a problem, you can conjure up just about anything on a steady mosey. After 34 welcome fist bumps, a thorough disclaimer, an intro to FNG Paul and we were off. After a stellar weekend at F3 Dad’s Camp that included quite the libation session around a fire and more carbs and saltpeter (KNO₃) that’s remotely advised for anyone, I was ready to get after it. [Read More]

BRR Training Barkley Style

The hills at Danger Zone are intense! Having done a few BRR training runs there last year, I knew it was time to get back. When I saw the open Q spot, it was a sign that I must share the love. YHC pre-blasted the plans Thursday on the Slacks, so everyone could see the big idea. I know that DZ is not a high tempo workout, but would resemble that on this day. [Read More]


A few months ago when the idea for Green Mile was born, I knew I’d want to lead a workout there, but I also knew that 90 minutes was a long time and I might need some help. I reached out to Red Ryder, and he was happy to jump in and give me a push. Warm-Up Pledge allegiance to the flag, then take a lap around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, Good Mornings, Moroccan nightclubs and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]