Follow My Cadence

After my long commute from Apex up to DZ, I was greeted by 13 PAX ready for a good workout. Burt had saved up 6 days of mumble chatter and was in high form and brought a lot of fun this fine morning. Permit running in last minute, off we go around the “pickle” for one lap and circle up at the entrance for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops [Read More]

And then the rain cleared...

With a forecast of rain and flashfloods, PAX of 15 posted outside the closed park gate. Unfortunate for the FNG that showed a few minutes late, but couldn’t find us until halftime of our workout… Warm-Up With the rain miraculously holding off the PAX began a light jog into the park stopping at the speed bump for the 6 to complete 20 SSH, then jogged the rest of the way in to circle up for some Merkins, Mountain Climbers and Good Mornings. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

You say Tabata, I say Ciabatta

Friday morning, my wing man Qing at the other CarPex Friday AO, 60 ish degrees, 1 FNG, 1 Pax from Down East, One Kotter, 13 total Pax not including one Pax riding the flag in on a bike and then leaving….a little better look than my spin class episode. Tunes were on the box and appropriately changed to Boston radio at the suggestion of our NanTan who also suggested the Friday HH spot out at West Park Tavern. [Read More]

Guns, Bras, Rocks, Johnny Cash

The threat of rain didn’t keep too many away today. Parking lot filled and at 5:45 sharp (or thereabouts since YHC didnt have a timepiece today) we were off towards the front entrance of the park. Tight pax running 2x2 on the sidewalk headed up the High House hill to the 2nd entrance where we circled up for warm up. GM x20, IW x20, SSH x20, Sir Fazio - 10 each way [Read More]

Flip Flop Q-Skool

Yeah, I went to the F3Carpex Q-School a couple months ago, led by the honorable CK. I learned lots that day, however just like in high school and college, I got an A+ on the exam….but forgot everything after that day. Then the day comes for me to Q again, but I didn’t remember all of CK’s simple lessons that day…….kinda like taking the GRE and forgetting how to calculate simple items you learned in previous years, like a cosine or tangent. [Read More]

Great weather, Great crew, Great site, No Nantan, No site Q, oh what to do....

Thanks to Nature Boy for texting me yesterday asking me if I was attending A-Team. In response - I checked the Q schedule and what to my wondering eyes did appear - but my name next to the Q spot for today. I guess that seals it, I should attend. Planning can be overrated - just ask Callahan. Arrived this morning to find gates closed (nothing new here) but spring is in the air and everyone seemed to have extra pep in their step. [Read More]

It's Raining. No, it's not.

Danger Zone welcomed us with a deluge as March was determined to go out like a lion. If you don’t get that reference, look it up. I’ll wait…Anyway, YHC’s grand, beast-like plans were thwarted. Yeah, we could have run around the pickle and rolled around in it with some Superman - Bananas, but nah. Warm-Up Jog up and around by the basketball court and into the shelter. Perform a little Hot Spot-esque feng shui (again, I’ll wait…) with the tables to make room for the Thang. [Read More]

Low tempo but hard work

17 gathered outside the gate and no FNGs in site, so off to the very 1st parking lot on right for warm up. Warm Up SSH x 15 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazio x 15 Merkins x 56 Thang Mozy to Power line hill and gather at the bottom for 21’s of Plankjacks and LBCs Fairly early audible to skip odd numbers LBCs at bottom of hill while we wait for all PAX to finish up [Read More]