Deck of Danger...Zone, That Is

A PAX could be forgiven for thinking I was phoning in a second Q in as many days by bringing the US Playing Card Company Red Bicycle deck with me to Danger Zone this AM, but I planned several surprises to make this more than a mere deck of death. Its another variation on the Hamburger Helper theme of easy to run workouts. But don’t worry, all is forgiven Shut-In. Also, it’s not the first time someone has suggested I might not be able to adequately Q two workouts in a row (see “Don’t Sandbag Me Bro” to see how that went). [Read More]

Lamp Posts and Pickle Pounders

The day had come: YHC’s F3-aversary – 365 days since stumbling out into the gloom at SNS and earning a new appreciation of the nuances of Bond Park. To commemorate, YHC chose to Q at BO in downtown Cary. BO has become a favorite because of the variety of options it presents and how no two workouts seem to be the same. Making sure that today would be no different, we prepare to head out into the lamp post-lit gloom. [Read More]

Back Home Again

Thanks to the wizardry of @hotspot and his weekly Q summaries, I noticed that my beloved FOD had no Q for the week. Having just come off the TR run, it was time to get back on the Q wagon, and here was the perfect opportunity. Let’s see what Ma Bell dialed up on 3/27/18 First, @pbx and @skyblue and YHC ran in per our usual route, arriving in time for the customary fist bumps and pre-workout mumble chatter. [Read More]

QDR and only QDR

Men, It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout. With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes. Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for: Good mornings (in radio DJ voice) Quick feet x 9 Donkey kicks x9 Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9 Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill [Read More]

Amazing Race, Cary Edition

13 PAX hit the streets of Cary for a special edition of Amazing Race. There were only winners in this contest, and everyone showed great spirit and teamwork in completing the challenges. Who knew a scavenger hunt could be so painful? For something a little different, we gathered in the church parking lot for a quick warmup before learning the rules of the game: Warmup: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers (or hillbillies, Flacco style), Side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes (one of YHC’s favorites) [Read More]

3/16/18 - Back to where it all began!

YHC felt obliged to celebrate his 2 year anniversary by Q-ing the AO where it all began for him (at least in the Carpex Region). The Warm-Up: Some vanilla warm up including 24 merkins, 104 SSH, and some other stuff. The Thang 1: - Form 2 lines, bear crawl inchworm down the parking lot - Crawl bear inchworm back up the parking lot The Thang 2: - Partner Up for Dora 1, 2, 3 - 100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 Calf raises on the stairs while the other partner runs down the trail and keeps turning righ. [Read More]

Tribute to the CHAMP

YHC got some sad news on Friday that one of my college buddies, Brian Champ, was admitted to ICU at UNC hospitals with a terminal condition. I went to visit him on Sunday morning and it really hit me hard to see him like this; knowing that barring a miracle, he would probably never wake up. It also troubled me a lot that we really hadn’t been in contact much over the past decade. [Read More]

BOMBS Away at the Flying Circus

It’s Spring Break, so YHC decided to go a bit down range this week. I had never ventured out to the Carpex-Churham DMZ to visit Flying Circus, so I figured why not make my first post a Q (and there looked to be plenty of fun features to use at FC). Eight PAX initially gathered in the parking lot, many questioning our life choices with temperatures dropping back in the 20s. [Read More]

Doing the B.I.R.P

The day-after birthday Q… How can we combine BLIMPs, partners and rocks… hmmmm. Warm-up Lap around the lot 45 ssh 10 gm 10 wm Run back to the rock pile with 1 merkin at each lamp Thang #1 - Doing the B.I.R.P – BLIMPS.Infating.Rock.Partner Partner up, grab a traveling rock, run to the soccer pitch. Line up along the midfield line, P1/P2 run to opposite goal lines and back, meet up, do the exercise set, then hand off the rock. [Read More]

Field Trip

Field trip day at Carpex’s premier Friday AO in the 27513 zip code. Little chitty-chat among the PAX to start, “Holy shnikies it’s windy. Is that a tail wind, Coney?” A quick disclaimer to FNG Nick and we’re headed out of the park and on the road towards the Veterans’ Memorial, because YHC has a half a Mary coming up and needs some miles before a LONG run manana w/ @mabellcarpex. [Read More]