Traveling Pearls on a String

When: July 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Hermes, PBX, Saban, Trike, Biner, Clementine, Pivot, Geek Squad, Angry Elf, Suds, Cheddar Bo YHC Earhart A warm, Monday morning greeted 12 HIM for a rare Earhart Q outside of Hell’s Bells on Mondays. Many new faces to me, imagine that posting somewhere else for a change. We head out around the pickle, with a backwards run down the hill. A quick detour to the curb for some quick feet before finally circling up for: [Read More]

Vanilla String of Pearls 7/13/18

YHC is nearing the mid-point of the July Tour De Carpex and saw a Q opening back where it all began at The Premier North Cary Friday AO. After staying up all night with the Boys at Flacco’s 2nd F, 24 got up with the Men to workout. Chhanticleer and Largemouth got in a 4.something EC run (note that both were not seen at Flacco’s the night before). I’m confident Term Paper would have been on time, but that HIM stepped up to pick up Capt. [Read More]

Playin’ It By Ear

Pre-Blast - 12 workhorses ponied up and pushed their personal limits at BO. Riptide was not there. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run down and around the church circling back up to the bank for warm-up. - Circle up for: 25 SSH, 25 plank jacks, 25 SSH, 25 plank jacks. The Thang****s - Run to the Chamber pk lot for: 25 CDD, 25 crab cakes, 25 CDD, 25 crab cakes. [Read More]

Heading for the hill

Executive Summary We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count… Warm-up Started of with the Pledge of Allegiance. As we were about to set off, Clementine pulled in late so the PAX did burpees while we waited for him to get set. Once he joined, we all did another 10 burpees for good measure. [Read More]

Stairway to Vanilla

YHC had a plan that involved climbing the stairs in the woods when I Q’ed here at Danger Zone a few weeks ago. Alas the rains the night before left things too slick, and that plan had to go into my back pocket for another day. Well this week it has been dry as a bone, so today is that day. Warm-Up Quick trip around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and one standard merkin. [Read More]

37 is the new 47

It was a hot June night in the year of our Lord 1981. Judy and Ralph (his friends call him Dice) Jodice welcomed their first born son (of 3) into this world. The heavens shook and the Devil pooped his pants, for life as we knew it would never be the same again. 37 years later and YHC drives a small(ish) SUV, has 2 kids, a wife, an IRA and a 529 account for his children. [Read More]

Nostalgia - Football Practice Drills

Nostalgia – Football Practice Drills On Saturday during coffeeteria after a brutal Hi-Liter led Phoenix beatdown, Build-A-Bear asks if I am going to FMJ. I stated “yes” enthusiastically. The follow-up question was, would you Q FMJ? I gladly accepted. I thought through what I wanted to do so I could make sure Build-A-Bear would get a good workout and I did not disappoint. What’s funny is no Build-A-Bear to be seen at FMJ. [Read More]

Dealer's Choice Ladder. This BB is Late. Its Short. Its ~61% Accurate.

Date: June 25, 2018 Weather: 101 degrees, Humid, Clear, Wet fields. 21 Pax showed up for a little cluster at Wolverine. A nice little site located between a couple of soccer fields. We had an FNG…..we named him Go Blue…which made Hi Liter happy. Warm Up: Mosey over to the soccer field. Circle up for a warm up of the usual. SSH, GM, SSH, GM, SSH, LBJs, Jump Squats. Thang: 4 cones are placed on the field. [Read More]


Date: June 22, 2018 Weather: 110 degrees, humid, clear 11 Pax gathered at the original Carpex AO. Warm Up: Mosey to bottom of the pickle. Circle up for standard warm up of SSH, GMs, Cotton Pickers, Hell if I knows, merkins, plank jacks. Thang: Dealers Choice Pearls on a String. Head to the fork in the trail. One pax calls a move and we do said move 15x, then we run a bit and then another pax calls a move we do said move 15x plus the first pax’s move 15x…. [Read More]

Beware of the Stink B.O.M.B.S.

Joining Carpex, my first post was Dante’s Peak. That following Monday Grinch took me to Wolverine. So it was only fitting that I reached out to him to see if he was ready to come off the Injured Reserve List to be part of my first Q at Wolverine. He was! Welcome Back Grinch. And thanks to Hi-Liter for bringing breakfast this morning to celebrate the lightest day of the year. [Read More]