Viva la revolucion!

14 was the magic number in Carpex on Friday, and that’s how many PAX turned out at Danger Zone to end the work week. We started with a couple of laps around the pickle (what’s with all the running?) - then circled up for a quick warm-up including SSH, merkins, mountain climbers, imperial walkers and, since you can’t have a great day without them, good mornings. Another 3/4 lap around the pickle to the basketball court, and circle up. [Read More]

I was there the day we...


  • 16 HIM joined YHC for 2.15 miles at Wolverine with one mission in mind: set a new record as a team. We succeeded.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the b-ball court.
  • Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins.
  • Run to the big track.

The Thang

Rotate PAX calling 20 Burpees at each corner of the track. Total: 330. 2.15 miles.


10-20-30-40 + Rocks

It was a beautiful morning. 47 degrees, a bit damp…a good day for F3. I just returned from NYC and was slightly unprepared… though it didn’t stop me. 23 PAX were waiting for me with my on-time arrival with a minute to spare. Banjo was not so lucky…yes, you guessed it, penalty burpies for Banjo’s “not-so” on-time arrival. The Start The Pledge We then jogged (plus side shuffles) up to DDMS in anticipation to find the rock pile along Davis Dr. [Read More]

Liverpool Loves Dips

Feeling like the ankle is getting back to full speed, and with the Thanksgiving convergence coming up, YHC knew he needed to shake a little bootcamp beatdown rust off. There is no finer AO on a Monday morning at 0530 on Davis Drive than Wolverine, for said beatdown. Oh, but first HIM of all HIMs Build-a-Bear called a 0455 EC run and YHC felt obliged to join. Grizzly Bear Ollie was there to boot and it was a wonderful 3 mile loop. [Read More]

DZ for the prevention of DVT

YHC has been on the road a fair amount which adds a bit of stress both at home and on the body. Today’s DangerZone hopefully aids with prevention of the latter while I hope that the nice long Thanksgiving away will help with the former. I was recently interested in what one should do when traveling long distances to prevent problems associated with sitting on in a tiny aluminum tube for many many hours. [Read More]

Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]

Traveling Murph with a dash of Panache

26 with one tomato and no FNGs Warm up 1 lap o’ the pickle SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 15 Squats IC x 15 Thang Alternating light pole ladder with Merkins and Squats into the Middle School parking area. 2:3 ratio increasing until we pause at 10/15 4 sets of 7s with Pull Ups and alternating between Merkins and IC Squats. 2 sets at Middle School and 2 in Elementary School Playground [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

7's and Laps

YHC’s second Q this week started with a solo EC Run on some poorly lit, no sidewalk-having roads. It reminded me a bit of the BRR…..dark…quiet….not another soul in sight. Wait, did I miss a turn? I must admit, despite the warnings from others that there’s no good EC option at FMJ, I only saw two cars on this run, and they were easily avoided. A brisk 4 miles and back in time to check out the new playground equipment, though we weren’t going to use it today…. [Read More]

Sometimes Vanilla is the Right Flavor

Ever since I attended my first themed workout, I knew that is the way I wanted to go when I started Q’ing. I believe it was a Hello Kitty Q themed on the college football playoffs, nothing fancy, but it was never the less, inspirational. However, a time comes in every man’s life where he has to embrace change and also that time was Sunday night where he hasn’t come up with a theme and needs to go to bed, hence my first vanilla Q. [Read More]