Return of the Sharknado

24 Pax gathered round the flag at the Skate Park to join Rooney & Imp for the quarterly fitness test known as the Sharknado. Water Wings began the tradition and it was carried on by Parker and GTL. Now Rooney and Imp are your site Q’s at BH so the tradition will continue. After the disclaimer was given, we moseyed over to Apex Town Hall. Warm Up - Rooney led us in 15x SSH, 7x Good AM’s, 15x Mountain Climbers, 5x Burpees OYO, 5x Diamond Merkins, 5x WW2 Sit Ups, 5x Standard Merkins, & 5x Scorpion Dry Docks [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Mystery Grab Bag

Today the PAX took fate in their own hands with a game I like to call: Let’s Run Over To Some Hills And Randomly Pull Out Exercises From A Bag Written On Sheets Of Paper And Do These Exercises At The Top And Bottom Of The Previously Mentioned Hills or LROTSHARPOEFABWOSOPADTEATTABOTPMH for short. EC Runners included Sub, Hanson, GTL, Freebird, Orphan and YHC Disclaimer given to our FNG and we circle up [Read More]

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

It sure felt like that on the trek to Apex for this morning’s romp. I forget the disclaimer and pledge. I guess I was distraught about not being able to go to toshi station to pick up some power converters. Stupid uncle Owen. 29 of us moseyed to the parking lot for warm-ups Han Solo Hops Princess Leia Lunges Chewbacca Merkins (on my grunt) Obi Squat Kenobis Imperial Walkers Leia secured the Death Star plans and was subsequently chased by Darth Vader. [Read More]

We rolled back the prices with Walmart Burpees

Date: 5/2/2019 AO: Bounty Hunters PAX: Cataracts, Cheddar Bo, Crimson, Freebird, Frisco, Honeycomb, Imp, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Mud Buddy, Old Maid, Orphan, Oxtail, Pivot, Quequeg, Qwerty, Rooney, Schlitz, Slappy, Smokey, Sooey, Sooey’s Dad, Sub, Traffic Cone, Ultra, Wonderbread, Whirlie, WWW As I continue my quest to Q every week for 2019, my fear is to run out of exercises to do or create a workout that will challenge the HIMs. As for running out of exercises, that won’t happen because F3 created a great document with all kinds of things to do. [Read More]

Two Bricks in Hand is better than One in the ... nvm

When Frisco asked me to Q Claymore, I was more than happy to oblige him. We settled on a date until we didn’t. In typical Frisco fashion, he had already promised the agreed upon date to another PAX. So YHC happily shifted to the right on the calendar and here we were. On a lovely 62 degree morning, Annie Jones Park was our oyster. Twelve gathered for the Pledge of Allegiance where in the shadow of Old Glory sat a yard cart full of landscape bricks YHC pulled from his garage that morning. [Read More]

Tortoises musical beat down!

I couldn’t have asked for a better morning to host my first Q, along with Squatters help. We did have an FNG, so the pledge was recited, F3 Mission and disclaimer. The only running of the morning was a quick mosey around the lot and then circled up for our warm-ups. Warm-Ups Side Straddle Hops Good Morning Abe Vigoda Cotton Picker The Thang #1 Bearway to Heaven- bearcrawl 2 parking lot spaces followed by 7 burpees, mosey back to start line, bearcrawl 4 parking lot spaces followed by 6 burpees, continue until 0 burpees remain. [Read More]

Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) Hits of the '90's!

It was a beautiful morning for a workout! There were no FNGs. Nonetheless, the mission, disclaimer, and pledge were recited. We started with a short run from the skate park to the parking lot in front of the baseball field for some warm-ups. Warm-ups Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Cotton Pickers Sir Fazio Arm Circles Overhead claps Merkins Calf Stretch After warm-ups, we ran to the private school. Thang One Fast feet Curb Merkins Bear Crawl to the other side of the parking lot Repeat x 3 We ran up to the baseball field which was conveniently open. [Read More]


Beautiful morning at Hell’s Bells for some fun! My first kettleball workout Q, so I did my homework & hoped to do a proper job…. 14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge. Moseyed around the pickle – front/back/left/right, etc…. With all that running out of the way, we rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, prisoner squats (deep stretch style), homer-to-marge, lunges, hip rotators, merkins, and spidermans. [Read More]

Ninjago in da HOUSE

When: April 17th 2019 QIC: Ninjago The PAX: Pickles, WWW, Rooney, Deuce, Hanson, Honeycomb, Ninjago, Hello Kitty, Frisco, Billy, Ascot, Sub, Trike, Sabre, Intimidator, Lawn Dart, Ezekiel, Chipper, Sloth, Lambeau YHC Earhart 21 PAX gather in the early morning gloom to celebrate Ninjago’s 2nd ever Q, this time at Tortoises. After a quick disclaimer and the pledge, the Q drags us around the upper parking lot to circle up for: Warm Up Good Mornings [Read More]