2019 is coming to a close ... Make way for a great and blessed new year 2020

A Team Date: 12/30 PAX: Crimson, Term Paper, Bagels, How How, Chicken Little, Hamm, Sooey, WWW, Hot Spot, Hello Kitty, Two Factor, Compound W, Rooney, Sixteen Steves, Silver Fox, Henny Penny, The Joker No FNG, 67 degrees, slight drizzle, slight wind. Pledge Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Off we go to the warm-up area for GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, hip flexor stretch, calf stretches and Eskimo Merkins. Mosey to power line hill for the thang. [Read More]

Flora's BLIMPS was the thang!

Date: 12/26/19 PAX: Big Red, Blistex (visiting from F3 Kansas City), Deuce, Imp, Rooney, Smokey, WWW It was a glorious morning: 36 degrees, minimal wind, excellent AO, the gate to the big field was open, and HIMs ready to get their workout on after enjoying their Christmas festivities the day prior. No FNGs but we did have an out of town visitor, Kansas City (F3 Blistex). Welcome Brother! F3ministravia done. We Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we go. [Read More]

Asking Forgiveness, Not Permission

15 PAX gathered in the sub-freezing temps at Hunter Street park, not aware of the history that would be made today. Yes, there was some vague talk of an unprecedented event to occur here, but gotta keep em guessing. Right? Warm Up Keep warm mosey to get the legs moving, Pledge of Allegiance and circle up at the skate park for a standard round of SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks and CFMs. [Read More]

7s and Victory Burpees is what we did … Pull-up and Cinder-Coupons were used.

AO: Tortoises Date; 12/18/19 PAX: Ausfahrt, Bubba, Chanticleer, Doogie , Ezekiel, Freebird , Fridge, Hotty Toddy, Intimidator, Quiver, Rooney, Traffic Cone, WWW F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we go into the wild blue yonder around the pickle and back to the flag to warm-up with Ausfahrt. You heard right, Ausfahrt is out in the gloom and looking awesome. He is not using his cane. [Read More]

Will Q for coffee!

Apex was decorated for Christmas, and YHC thought the PAX would enjoy seeing some of the lights. After moseying through DTA, we stopped at the RR station with the purty Christmas tree, all a-light (see what I did there?). Warm-up Sprinkler Windmill Steve Earle Sir Fazio Bonus Burpees Not to be caught napping, we mosey to our next location. YHC saw a path between buildings that looked okay but turned out to be kinda mucky. [Read More]

Jack, Jill, and that Dang Hill

When I heard Triple Lindy would not be at HB on Monday I was elated. That left only his weak-willed co-site Q, Wahoo, to monitor me. Below is what we did(ish) today at HB. The theme was leaning on your brothers when you are struggling to get it together. We had a weight vest we passed around between sets. I pushed everyone as hard as I could without being stupid. I modified my plans when I felt we were taking it easy or switched it up when we were courting injury. [Read More]

Who ordered the vanilla cone?

As one of the site Q’s of this AO and a huge kettlebell advocate for working out, I took my time in coming up with a somewhat complex workout for today. Mumblechatter was high today as the Pax were trying to learn many new exercises introduced for the first time today. Let’s get started! Warm-up- Mosey around the pickle and circle up for some extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH’s, seal claps, and calf stretches. [Read More]

Respect Week - 24 degrees does not deter Tortoises

Date: November 13, 2019 QC: TRAFFIC CONE AO: TORTOISES PAX: WWW, DUECE, EZEKIEL, INTIMIDATOR, CRIMSON, ROONEY, HONEY COMB, JD POWERS, SEGA, MA BELL, MEATLOAF, ASHBURY, PUDDLES, TRAFFIC CONE. 14 PAX braved the 24 degrees weather and gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. Light breeze in the air and all PAX were all bundled up. No FNGs. Started with disclaimer and the Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. [Read More]

The Sharknado

The Sharknado. It has been a tradition for 2+ years at Bounty Hunters, the finest downtown Apex AO on Thursday mornings. This quarterly fitness test allows each PAX to test themselves with a variety of exercises and lap-running. 15 PAX showed up to withstand the Sharknado. With Rooney on the IR with a foot injury, he took all Sharknado materials to the community center and Imp ran point for the morning. [Read More]

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

With the cool brisk October air in full effect, 21 PAX including 2 FNGs gathered at Hunterest of all Parks in anticipation. Some were wearing tanks, but more were not. First exercise, pledge of allegiance. Warm Up SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, Plank jacks, and CFMs. Pre-Thang 33 burpees to the dulcet tones of AC/DC’s Brian Johnson singing Thunderstruck. The Actual Thang Split into 2 teams to execute the following: [Read More]