Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. [Read More]


disruption the act or process of disrupting something : a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc. There were 20 dudes who were at the AO known as Bounty Hunters, by the time it ended. Some of them were doing a run, others did the Main Event. YHC didn’t have a count of exactly who was doing what. And this backblast really won’t focus on that little detail. [Read More]

The Captain's Place - KB EMOM

NOTE: Captain Kangaroo was the Q. Posted on his behalf by Wahoo. **WARM UP **Introductions made, no FNG. Mission and Core Principles read. Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC F/R Imperial Walker x15 IC World’s Greatest Stretch + Merkins x 2 sets of 10 **THANG **EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute). Perform called out exercise(s) OYO and recover for the balance of the minute. So if you do them faster you have longer [Read More]

Rain makes you feel like a kid again

Date: 2/6/20 PAX: Water Wings, Rooney, I Pity the Fool, Term Paper, Henny Penny, WWW, GTL, Smokey, Texas Ranger, Lookout, One Four, Honeycomb, Wonder Bread My normal routine prior to posting is to always see what Steve’s forecast would be. He has a lot of moisture planned in the gloom. So, when I hear that, I prepare myself mentally that I’ll be quite moist during the beatdown. Term Paper sends a Slack post to Hello Kitty and me wanting to know how dry we will be. [Read More]

Downtown Theology Tour

This is the first week of Disturbing the Peace’s new location. Hamm, one of the site Qs, went to check to see if anyone missed the memo and alas there was 1, so he pointed him in the right direction and we picked him up on a mosey through town. I was afraid folks would miss the old site, so I decided to do a fly by. We actually visited a few of the churches in the greater POGL area this morning. [Read More]

Box Jumps for Breakfast

It was another cold morning, but actually felt pretty good. Maybe F3 is making me tougher. Warm-Up Mosey around the school parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, burpees, monkey humpers and Carolina Dry Docks. The Thang Mosey to the stairs for three rounds of 22’s. Round 1 - Australian mountain climbers and box jumps Round 2 - Irkins and dips Round 3 - Wonder bras and derkins [Read More]

Mid-20⁰ Chill In The Gloom. Could I Bring The Heat?

AO: Tortoises Date; 1/22/20 PAX: Ashbury, Bubba, Ezekiel, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Rooney, Sega, WWW, Yogi A pre-blast from my boy Ezekiel letting the potential HIMs know that even with the weather forecast of mid to low-20s, I will bring the heat. That is a big challenge statement. I arrived at the AO and the temp did not disappoint, it was a balmy 26⁰. The day prior before a Disco Duck Q, I had visions in my REM sleep of sugarplum fairies dancing and magically waving their wands filling my head full of routines and exercises. [Read More]

There's nothing wrong with a little vanilla now and then

23 PAX showed up on a beautiful Thursday morning for a little fun and some exercise. On the run in to the AO YHC was still working on the plan for this morning. Here’s what was come up with: Warmup: One FNG, so the typical disclaimers given, but YHC struggled to remember the mission statement on the spot, so we pledged allegiance and off we moseyed to the community center. [Read More]

1-15-20 Point Break BLIMPS

Wordpress sucks. “Separate with commas or hit enter key”, what they mean is: list all the PAX and then we will magically auto-delete some of them so you can re-enter them. Does this happen to anyone else? Is it just me? I fall in that range between Boomer and Millenial so maybe I’m not even supposed be using word press. While I’m on this Soundest of All Pets box, when I hit enter, why does it skip a line and insist on starting a new paragraph? [Read More]

12 months & counting

19 HIM celebrated my 1-year anniversary of joining F3.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mozy around church pickle


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Good mornings

The Thang: Modified 11’s… now called 12’s. Consisting of:

  • The Wolverine Burpee
  • LBCs

Total distances: ~3.5 miles (with pickle)


  • Box Cutters
  • Low Slow Flutter

Have a Nice Day & COT