Brought to you by the Letters D and B

I went to Q school a couple of weeks ago. Since I am out of town and will miss the start of VQ week I decided to step up early and get this thang done. In my posts leading up to this I took lots of mental notes. Most of them were forgotten before the first exercise (do you really have to say ‘Recover’?). Thanks to those who helped with time keeping as my FitBit bit it this morning. [Read More]

Tractor Pull

In the several years that I have been doing this thing we affectionately call a cult F3, one of its best features is how it thrusts you into such close proximity to some pretty remarkable men. Showing up day after day to this cult fellowship is the embodiment of the adage that if you want to be successful, identify successful people and follow their examples. Think about it, no other region that I’ve posted in (just Churham) even comes close to the number of kick-a$$ respects we host on any random weekday. [Read More]

Sharknado: Part Deux

The Sharknado - it has become YHC’s favorite circuit routine next to the Murph in recent years, and has become the official benchmark test of downtown Apex’s finest AO, Bounty Hunters. The idea is to test your endurance abilities 3 times per year to see if you are making incremental improvements, and also…because its Thursday. (hopefully not infringing on any trademark laws surrounding The Maynard’s slogan) Warm-up run from the flag to the Apex Town Hall courtyard, circle up [Read More]

Carpex Crud?

Waking up to a DM that the scheduled Q was out sick today, YHC couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of new site Q hazing ritual. But upon hearing that Kryptonite suffered from the same affliction, perhaps it’s possible that the Carpex Crud has returned. Better wait on that picnic for a few weeks. In any event YHC was somewhat concerned that my co-site Q would struggle coming up with a themed workout and associated props in 30 minutes, so I decided to step up and give it a go on short notice. [Read More]

Birthday B.O.M.B.S

I"m always leery of the use of the aforementioned especially when on a public school campus in light of where we are as a society. In the case of today, the subject gave reason for concern for all within the immediate proximity but not need to worry about one’s personal safety. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance Warmup The magic number of the day is 42 and we did so for Side Straddle Hop, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, Crunch Frog and Merkins. [Read More]

From Florence to Flora

If you’re like most of us much of your time, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy has been spent either preparing for, getting through or rebound from Hurricane Florence. And rightfully so. One of the great things about F3 is that it allows us to escape from the daily stresses and toil in a whole other way. This is how we went from Florence to Flora. Pledge of Allegiance Quick mosey that found us running backwards and high kneeing because I knew Frisco was enjoying himself too much. [Read More]

We’re Not Sissies

Pre-Blast 9 HIM spat in the face of adversity as Fo spat in our faces. I think we won. YHC has heard through the grapevine that our FNG this AM, who we eventually named Flo-Rida, had questions regarding the strenuousness of our workouts. YHC was committed to giving him a proper introduction. We’re not sissies. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to DDMS, circle up behind the school. [Read More]

Hanging with My Hose

Hanging with my hose This BB is bought to you courtesy of Carl Schreiber, 42, @Frisco While planning the birthday Q for the best limited run workout AO in CARPEX, Mr. @Frisco DM’d me that he had some extra hoses hanging around. Initially, YHC had concerns about taking him up on his offer to use his hoses but decided to take a chance. Hey, it’s my birthday Q, what could go wrong? [Read More]

Rocking the Kettle Bells

Rocking the Kettle Bells Nothing fancy. Kinda vanilla but any vanilla workout with 80’s rock music is all good. YHC went back to the good old days of rock and pulled out 10 all time favorite songs so we could rock the bells at Hells Bells. On the musical agenda were: Journey - Wheel in the Sky Bob Seger - Night Moves (Mandatory for Disco Duck) Guns N Roses - Sweet Child of Mind Heart - Barracuda Ozzy - Crazy Train Boston - More than a feeling Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' [Read More]

B R aRen't

18 Pax made it out to Hunter Street Park for a lovely 74 degree and 94 percent humid morning. Slack chatter was looking for an unfriendly BRR beatdown. Lots of mileage was logged yesterday so YHC agreed. See, not always Angry Shutty. Sometimes Very Accomodating Shutty. Here’s what went down after the 0545 disclaimer and Shut-In Shignature warmup… Thang 1: Plank-o-rama First pax took a lap around the soccer field fence and circled back up at the skate park. [Read More]