4 Pics, 1 Word

Pre-Blast 18 HIM for 5.52 *(more miles than #ao-sat-whiplash)* at the hardest working AO in CarPex on a Saturday, #ao-sat-phoenix. Proud of my fellow warriors…y’all killed it today. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run out the east exit of the park down to the bank and into the dry cleaner lot for a 1 mile warmup. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Abe Vigoda, Runner’s Stretch, Groiner Merkins, Calf Stretch. [Read More]

Top 40, Baby!

Cool & crisp at FOD this fine morning! Ten HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. Shut-In let me know that I’m the 39th Q he has graced his presence with this year to date – I’m so honored that I finally make the top-40! With that, we rolled into: The Warm Up [Read More]


Some things are just meant to be. The Hell’s Bells Q slot just happened to be available - YHC jumped on the chance for a birthday Q. Arrive early to get in some ECP and running before the main event; mosey to the parking lot at about 0527 to see 8 HIMs gathering. At 0530, we pledge allegiance and off we go. Warm Up Mosey around the big pickle with high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke both ways. [Read More]

Crosswalk to Crosswalk

23 in total for YHC’s first crack at Lion’s Den. With some Google Satellite the night before a plan was made. There were some EC runners, some twins in the same shirts, some yoga pants, and a flag. It’s go time! 0530 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup lap threw off Franklin so much he quit and waited for the pax to circle the loop and come back. Then YHC went vanilla #shutinsignaturewarmup: GMs, HBs, Merkins, SSHs [Read More]


Odd title, right? Well, I don’t just mean rival or enemy or generic bad thing. I am going old-school for the classical Greek meaning of the goddess who enacts retribution on an individual suffering hubris, or foolish pride. Or, in the immortal words of Brick Top, “Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible c**t — Apex Nature Park. [Read More]

Circles and Compasses

28 HIM show-up in the gloom expecting an epic Yogi beatdown. Well, some plans are meant to change and YHC has stepped up to take the Q. Weclome FNGs Quidditch and Double Dutch. After a mumbling, bumbling disclaimer and pledge at the flag, we head left and to the large circle for: Warm Up Good mornings Cotton Pickers Steve Earls Arm twirly thingies including behind the back. The Thang The first of the many tangs actually starts at the end of warm-up with 5 monkey humpers and 5 burpees OYO. [Read More]

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]