See Ya!

AO: Tortoises PAX: ASHBURY, CRIMSON, EZEKIEL, FLENDERSON, FRISCO, HALF BACK, HELLO KITTY, HOTTY TODDY, INTIMIDATOR, LOOKOUT, MEATLOAF, ROASTERS, SEGA, SHUT-IN, SUPERCELL, TRAFFIC CONE, TRIPLE LINDY Today brought something that I thought was years away, my VQ. In June I connected with Liverpool at a neighborhood party and asked what he had been up to, he replied I’ll pick you up at 5am Monday and you’ll see this thing called F3. After almost tossing merlot with a Hello Kitty Q at A-Team I survived and kept coming back for more pain. [Read More]

Odyssey Prep

Honestly, I had no plan when I started out yesterday morning other than to provide a solid beat down. After a quick pledge we were off to the lower parking lot. Why? Because I seem to always start there. Warm up Circle up for: Good Mornings Burpees to calm the mumble chatter SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal claps Some more burpees Mountain climbers During the warm up, Callahan commented that he had completed many burpees this week. [Read More]

Where's Frisco?

0510 I pull in to parking lot for my Hell’s Bells VQ and the only other PAX is Ryder about to warmup with some pullups. Where’s my Co-Q Frisco? Nowhere in sight. PAX start arriving and Honeycomb brought an FNG, Jake. First exercise was the pledge, and then a quick warm up mosey doing a figure 8 in parking lot. Cue Crimson’s first “This is supposed to be low running” complaint of the morning (only two more to go). [Read More]

What are these Bells for anyway?

YHC did something a bit unusual and decided to Q a Kettle bell workout today. This one required some prep work and I hit the ground at the newest of locations for Hells Bells and was greeted with 24 brave souls. My ride for the day (or really for most days) Nature Boy was a bit delingquent today so Earhart was really sweatting whether or not we would make it. We did - three minutes to spare - no problem. [Read More]

Paging Trike...paging Mr. Trike...

Day 3 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs. Day 1 was terrorible when my ex-friend, WWW, traveled back in time and stole (what was to be) my signature workout and used it at A-Team. When I tried to explain it to the PAX using posters and drawings all I got was rolling eyes. (Who knew Shut-In kept glass eyes in his pocket…) Day 2 was just as bad because after I executed my NEW workout my new nemesis, WWW, went back in time again and made me fat. [Read More]

The Challenge is 100!!!

PAX: Chicken Little, Chipper, Compound W, Drysdale, Free-fall, Goose, Hamm, Hotspot, Honeycomb, Ma Bell, Quick Stop, Repeato, Ringo, Roasters, Saban, Sixteen Steves, Smokey, Willy Wonka, WKRP, WWW Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for A Team (one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. I had a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. [Read More]

Last Day before Hell’s Bells moves to a church parking lot

Opening – There was no FNGs this morning so ran through the pledge, grabbed our bells and off to the circle. Warm-up – SSH, daisy pickers, windmills, calf stretch, and Abe Vigodas. The Thang – circle up for 10 reps each side of overhead single arm squats, followed by 10 reps each side of plank rows, followed by 15 reps pullover to sit-up. Mosey to circle and back. Circled back up for Australian pushups, half-kneeling halos, and T-pushups. [Read More]

A-Team 5-year Anniversary 7-15-19

28 HIMs showed up to celebrate 5-years of wonderful workouts on Mondays! They were led by 108 years of experience on a classic tour of the site. Warm-Up WWW started the process with the standard disclaimer. There were no FNGs. We pledged allegiance to Old Glory and took off for a short run. WWW led us in GM, Abe Vigodas, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Eskimo Merkins (they are not cool), hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch. [Read More]

Friday, Fellowship, and Faith

17 Pax were out and ready for a solid beatdown. Partially true. Their were 17 pax there. But what started out as a fitness test quickly turned into a fellowship-pace-fitness-test-cluster. But that’s what F3 is about. It’s more than a workout and sometimes the workout is secondary to just being out there in the gloom with your bros. We got in a great beatdown, thanks to Callahan’s 3yr old “fitness test” he created but most of all we just had fun. [Read More]

It was quite Beige in the heart of Bradfords Ordinary

19 pax show up, everyone in one of Becky’s freshly pressed TT’s, no FNGs, gloves not required. Straight vanilla., or beige? 7 Rubberbands follow Angry Elf for stretching. The remaining 12 BOs head to the bank to warmup with various stuff. In plank position, Burt is called on …….. ? And he calls calf stretches. Yeah we were all thinking the same thing, waiting for it to sink in. Really? Shaking away the cobwebs, gathering his wits, he then has us going into a progression of calf stretches, merkins, and …. [Read More]