Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]

QDR and only QDR

Men, It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout. With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes. Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for: Good mornings (in radio DJ voice) Quick feet x 9 Donkey kicks x9 Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9 Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill [Read More]

Back Blast[oise]

I knew I wanted to do it at some point. 8 calendar days into the Q game seemed pretty early to break it out, but @F3CaryBO forced my hand. And as I started to piece together the workout options… there are too many ideas to be contained in 45 minutes, so consider this round one. I may have hidden from the Q spotlight for a year, but now my penchant for gimmicky theme is coming into view and I can hide it no longer. [Read More]

Royals, Marriage, Treason, Beheading and car crime...just a regular workout at FLYING CIRCUS

9 of Carpex’s elite graced the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, eager to continue their pursuit of excellence and learn a bit too (or taboot). Warm Up: After a short mosey to the middle school main entrance, we circled up for: 15 Good Mornings 33 SSH’s 15 Cotton Pickers 36 Mountain Climbers 15 Standard Merkins 33 Plankjacks Since we were at the main entrance by the pedestrian crossing, YHC indulged himself by pulling out the signature move – the Abbey Road lunge walk (there and back) before a short mosey across to the soccer pitches. [Read More]

Merkin in a Winter Wonderland

9 souls braved Snowmaggedon to be warmed by the fellowship that naturally occurs when HIMs get together. I mean, it’s scientifically proven. It’s the stable genius that makes us wake up at 5:15, put on four layers, and traipse through snow and ice. One might even call it talismanic. Also talismanic: that Ole Ripper has a backup truck. And not some small jalopy. I mean a MAN’s truck. Like a Canyonero 8000HD or some shit like that. [Read More]

Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS). With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is. Warm-up: Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye! [Read More]

Rushing 44 Minutes

First post to Rush Hour and YHC has the Q. Familiar site and area of operation. However, I did not anticipate the traffic - what a difference there is between 0545 and 1745. And at this time of year, it is still gloomy so felt right at home. What to my wondering eye should appear, it is Riptide, and he is running in!?!?. Seems odd, Rip is not really the EC/Insomnia/Running type, but hey - people change……………. [Read More]

MINI Death Star - SNS

Twas a gloomy morning with rain in sight. 50 degrees. Cloudy YHC had just finished the EC Insomnia run with Flip Flop and Shut-IN. Flipper shared words of concern to the Q, as running insomnia sometimes causes loss of memory for the later workout. Words from a HIM were accepted and we moved on. Shouts of “1Min” occurred, although it did not seem to phase the hungry PAXs as the MC continued. [Read More]

Christmas Lights

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but it’s beginning to feel a lot like spring. Five HIM gathered in downtown Cary to enjoy the Christmas lights and 65 degree weather. Warm-Up Mosey around to the corner parking lot next to the giant Christmas the for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, plank jacks, merkins and mountain climbers. The Thang Mosey down Academy Street to FUMC, then continue to the fountain while enjoying the Christmas decorations and performing ten merkins at every other light pole. [Read More]

Legendary Mumblechatter

Q: Captain Insane-o (KD Pax from F3 Louisville; YHC) Pax (21): Term Paper (respect), Yoga Mat (respect), Theisman, Emeril, Disco Duck, Angry Elf, Riptide, Shut In, Chinese Downhill (respect), Picachu, WKRP, Hermès, Midget (for Life), Sliderule, Banana Seat, Burt (respect), Half, Calllahan, Highlighter, Cody (respect), CI Conditions: 36, nippy, clear. Gear (for F3 Louisville Zoolander): Bud Light Tank Top (smedium), gloves, shorts, skull face doorag, lady’s socks, running shoes. I woke up 5 minutes before my 0450 am alarm, and jumped in the Jeep Patriot to head down to Bradford’s Ordinary, the self-proclaimed Best AO in Raleigh-Durham. [Read More]